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  • without a written lease can my landlord lock me out and pull my power cord and shut off water to the camper in her back yard i stay in. phoenix police say yes without her going through the eviction process and not serving me with any notices
  • My question is about signing a lease and the rent is showing 745.00 a month which I signed on July 30th of this year. From 09/01/2015 to midnight 08/31/2016. I was told by the manager of the complex that there was a mistake was made by there computer and that the rent should have been for 796.62. This was told to me after I had sign my original lease. The manager wanted me to initial a additional paper to show that the computer should have shown that the rent was suppose to be 796.62.what I want to know is do I pay the 745.62 or the 796.62.
  • where can i get free or very low help in filling out a qualified domestic relations order (qdro)
  • Can a lender sue for a deficiancy balance(first mortgage only)on a townhouse or condominium? Does AZ33-814 prohibit the recovery of any balance due after trust property is sold pursuant to the trustee's power of sale, or the trust deed is foreclosed in the manner provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgages on real property.
  • We purchased a mobile home and all the signed documents state it’s a 1998. When given the title a week later it says it’s a 1988. Do we have any legal recourse?
  • Where can I get help for my 39 year disabled daughter who has been on SSI since 2001 and last year was denied SSI, we are receiving part benefits as she is in appeal but need a lawyer to assist us on her case before we go to court in front of a judge and also help her to get her benefits back permanently. Any lawyers I have contact want a deposit and hourly wages which of course anyone on SSI couldn't possibly pay. Where can I go to get her proper representation without a huge bill?? She lives at home with me. question queue
  • Me and my ex girlfriend have a daughter out of wedlock. I am curious how child support works with that type of situation. I'm on the birth certificate. I also don't think she is fit or ready to take care of my daughter. I would like short term full custody and then when she has her feet on the ground we can readjust. How should I go about this ?
  • My wife is threatning me to move out of state with my 3 yr old daughter. We don't live together now but I am still a legal guardian and the father on the birth certificate. What should I do to keep her from taking my child.
  • My children's father and I signed over temporary custody of our 2 children while we were in jail so they could get them medical care and enroll them in school. Now that we are both out and doing well we want custody back. The grandparents are line with us having them back. How do we go about getting custody back? We font know where to begin?
  • I am my mother's caregiver. She is 87 years old and requires me to be home 24/7. I cannot get a job because of this situation. Is there compensation for me as a caregiver through her health benefit plan, medicare or some other avenue. I am glad to be her caregiver but it has put a strain on us financially. Thank you.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program