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  • Can I get custody of my baby due in may there's no contact he was physically abusive unfortunately one day I called police he hit me police said leave I came back to my home he stole my property u called police again I had my hands on him when police showed so I have assault d v charge it's not a felony though
  • I had a written lease for a residence.  Before my lease expired, the landlord put the property I had under lease up for sale.  When I saw that the landlord had put the property up for sale, I moved out of the leased property two months before the lease had expired.   Did I breach my lease?  If I did breach my lease, how do I calculate how much money I owe the landlord?
  • Is there a statute of limitations for completing a DUI impact panel order? It's been approx 2 years and I just now received a notice that a bench warrant was issued for failure to comply. The incident occurred in Flagstaff.
  • I currently receive my deceased spouses SS benefits, am I also eligible to receive some of my benefits when I retired?
  • How do me and my Husband go about getting Legal Guardianship over our Stepgrandaughter? Here Biological have Legal Guardianship over her since last year. But they have moved out of state and chose to leave the 15 year old here in Arizona with her Mother. The 15 year old and her Mother had a blow up at the end of Dec. 2014. So we were called and asked if we could take her and that her Mother wanted nothing more to do with her. So we've had here since Dec. 29th 2014. The Mother had me write up a letter stating that she was giving me and my husband power of attorney over the 15 year old.
  • Someone posted a no trespassing sign ARS 13-1502-A1 on some idle land my neighbors and I have traditionally use for access to county trails. It is suspect. How can I tell if this is a legitimate sign, or if someone just bought it off the internet to scare his neighbors away? (same party strung cable accross a common access road in June and injured a bicyclist) . thx!
  • My son just rented an apartment in a nice complex. He was supposed to move in on a Monday, when roaches were found in the apartment. They sprayed right before he was to move in, but today, four days later, there are baby roaches everywhere. They are supposed to fumigate the complex on Friday, but he's concerned. Can he break the lease if the fumigation fails to get rid of the roaches? He's put out ranch traps all week, and the baby roaches are multiplying.
  • I went threw a rent to own place BIG MISTAKE what do they have to put on a reciept?do they have to put on the reciept the total amount of pursures,total amount left to pay,due date,date they recived payment, and what else do they have to put on the reciept?
  • 2 of the burners on my stove have gone out. I notified management who is just going to replace it instead of repairing it. They sent someone to remove the stove on Thursday 9/24/15. It is now Saturday 9/26/15 and we have no stove. The vendor says it will be Tuesday 9/29/15 before we have a stove. Can i turn in receipts for food expenses while we are without a stove? Rent is due on 10/1/15 and I'd like to subtract a reasonable amount from my rent for these expenses since I can't cook at home.
  • I'm sepporated from ex. She moved to Florida with the children. She was told by the court she would have to pay to send the kids to NY. She recently said she will no longer send them unless I pay for them to come. Ive taken her to court for breaking the court order before. Nothing seems to work. She also never lets me speak to the kids on the phone and now its been about 6mths since Ive spoken to them. Im tired of fighting. If I give up my rights as there parent do I still have to pay child support. She no longer wants me in their lives just wants me to pay child support.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program