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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • I owe a credit union in Michigan $25,000 for Visa and $175,000 for second mortgage. They wrote the balances off 12/30/2010. I continued to make payments on the mortgage thru May-2012. I have not received any communications from the credit union since then. In June 2013 I received a letter from a collection agency that states that I owe $200,000 on the 2nd mortgage and $32,000 on the visa. What are my rights? What am I obligated to pay? Does Arizona have a law that creditors are not allowed to solicit more than what they paid for a debt? Your help would be greatly appreciated. SB
  • I live in a apartment complex. I have been here for about 5 years. I had moved to a bigger unit about 4 years ago . recently moved to another bigger unit in April. So it was brought to my attention that on the last unit I moved from carpet had to be replaced so I owe $430... and now they are stating that I also owe from the previous unit I had moved from 3 years ago. I hadn't of heard about this balance before. Can they do this? what can I do about it?
  • my husband walked out on me a week after we found out i was pregnant. we had bought a car together and he let his dad put the title in his name without me knowing and a week after we found out i was pregnant he left? what can i do and can i get an annulment?
  • My landlord has not paid property taxes this year and is behind on the morgage pymts. The house is not in foreclosure yet. Does he still have the right to evict me for non-pymnt. ?
  • I own the house my sister and her husband live in. We have no signed rental agreement. He has filed for divorce, but he is being a nuisance to my sister and the kids, and he will not move out. What steps do I need to follow to evict him? Or do I have other recourse? Thank you!
  • Is having the cable companie install cameras as part of a bundle pkg including cable t.v, & internet a form of breacing are contract if it stays in my contract that we are not aloud to make alterations
  • Regarding Bankruptcy: How long does it take to file, can you see a lawyer one day and file the next? Do your credit cards need to be delinquent to file BK or can they be current? Can they take my 401K if I file BK? How long will BK put off a Trustee sale? If your mortgage is delinquent can you still file BK to try to put off the trustee sale? If you have 2 accounts with one credit company like Discover and one is joint with someone else and one is only in your name, can you just file BK on the one in your name only without them going after the other card with joint owner? Thank you
  • My ex is trying to go after me for child support. I only make 600 a month and im married. Will the courts go off my husbands income and make me pay more because he makes more? I believe my ex makes more then me in disability.
  • Can the new owners of the park ask for all my family members and health history in a new rental agreement? Why do they need this information?
  • I just found out I have a Inditement for me, my boyfriend signed the certified letter to me. I never even knew the police were called/ I'm in shock about this I did not! do anything to this person! He Was so drunk he fell off the chair I didn't even know his arm was hurt till days later,he admits that I did not do this to him but told his family I did,, he said the police came to take a report a week later?? this was in October I don't know what to do there saying I need fingerprints/DNA before my court date tomorrow! are they crazy they just assume I did this without ever speaking to me!




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program