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  • I have recently filed for child support for my two kids, my oldest is two years old and my youngest is 2 months. I filed a restraining order almost a year ago. Now that I have filed for child support, will the other parent get any rights to be around my kids, even though I have a restraining order still in place since last year?
  • location of child support office in phoenix
  • My 23 year old son was hit in a accident and passed away .He left a 3 year old daughter and I have had this little girl since birth 4 to 6 days a week daily .Her mother works and lived with me for the first 8 months of her life .My son also lived with me and remained with me even when they split .I have always provided for my grandaughter and she even has her own room here and because her mom and I were in a argument for her clearing out a armoire that had my private things in it after I requested her not to do so she now says I'll never see my grandaughter again. Do I have rights ?
  • I pay spousal maitenance monthly to Support Payment Clearing House directy, in the form of a check. The divorce decree that is on record has a date listed as the final date or last payment to be payed through January 31, 2019. Do I need to fill any additional closure documents or just send the last payment when due? It is not withheld from my paycheck. I write the check. Not sure if I need to file anything or if they get it per the decree.
  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

    Where to get Ativan without prescription?

  • I have 13000 in credit card debt. I'm living on my social security which is 1281.00 a month. My rent is 560.00 amonth. I can't make payments on this debt. Can you tell me what I can do. What would happen if I just don't pay it
  • My tenant is 2 months behind on rent, and she just sent me a message that the washing machine in my condo is not working properly. I would normally take care of it, but is it still my obligation if she is behind on her rent payments and not fulfilling her lease obligations?
  • My husbands ex-wife and her current boyfriend have been harassing my husband about giving up his parental rights and change his daughters last name. He is behind on child support (has his first job in almost 3 yrs of which we can't even cover our bills with) she refuses to even let him speak to his daughter over the phone, among other things. We need to speak with a lawyer or something please what do we need to do? We don't want to lose his daughter and we want visitations which he hasn't in almost 3 yrs (ex-wife blames me the current wife go figure.) please help
  • does Arizona have a three strikes law.
  • I rented a house. Put down deposit and first month rent. Owner was still workig on house when I moved in and used my utilities to do roof and stucco house. Never got gas turned on because he did not get a permit and was fined. Only had electric in one bedroom. Had no cooling and no hot water. Then I got a 10 notice to get out and I had only been in house for 15 days. I requested my deposit back and some of the eletric paid on a 200 dollar bill. I signed with a leasing company and now they say I have to contact the owner but wont give my any contact information. What can I do?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program