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  • how do i get halp.i hav go job childsupport want me to pay $334 a week without a job a i have no way of pay them . iget my 2 girls every week.i have to pay,food,shoes,and coltes.they mommy dont give them the things they need when they came to my house and this every week we go throw this what do i do ?
  • my landlord had provided me a 5 day notice. I went to the office and gave them a large portion of the rent and entered into a promise to pay. I paid off the promise to pay which included all the applicable late fees. My landlord then stated I must sign a promise to pay for an additional $500. I refused.I ask for an explanation and they refuse to tell me where the extra money is coming from. I filed an action in court for unlawful rent increase. Couple days after they were served with compliant, I come and had a "Notice to Terminate Agreement. Isn't this retaliatory action? Can they do this?
  • my son just turned 18 five months ago, he is currently in the county jail for his very first time with 4 serious criminal felony charges. 1st degree burglary, theft-control property, conspiracy and kidnap. I know my son is innocent.. He met a girl age 17, just four days prior to be arrested, the girl left her backpack in her friends truck, and that is how my son got into this mess. by going with this girl to get her backpack, if the owner of the truck robbed a house right before picking up the girl and my son who knew nothing of the incident, can my son go to prison for these 4 charges??? How serious are these charges?? he was literally, in the wrong place and the wrong time, he was offered a ride from phoenix to mesa and he accepted the ride so he didn't have to take the bus...Please help me
  • The apartment I just rented has mold. Is the landlord responsible to clean out the mold.
  • I am currently in the midst of a civil dispute with the co-buyer of a house I recently purchased back in April of 2015. I have been removed from the house temporarily with an order of protection which I am currently in the process of contesting. The co-buyer is demanding I remove my name from the title. I currently have an indemnity agreement that was signed by the co-buyer, but it doesnt protect me from the mortgage company, only the co-buyer. How can I force a Judicial Sale of the house so that hes forced to refinance and take my name off the mortgage? That or the house goes to the highest
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  • I've been married for over 7 years I did an annulment but Tucson courts are saying its invalid because we have been married longer then 90 days and I was supposed to do a dirvoce not an annulment. Need someone to let me know if I am legally annulled or do I need to reapply and do a divorce.
  • My home is scheduled for foreclosure and trustee sale on 4/19/11.I've requested a loan mod and attempting to do a short sale but time is running out.If my home is foreclosed, how much time do I have B4 I 'm evicted and if the shortsale goes through,do I have to pay taxes on the forgiven debt or do I qualify under the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act
  • While I was out of town, my apartment had a sewage backup, and subsequent mold infestation. Tenant was notified of the uninhabitable condition on Dec 11, met me at the property on Dec16, and offered to replace carpeting with tile. I provided written notice of uninhabitable condition on Dec 16 as well. I'd like to know several things: 1) do I have a right to demand mold inspection and remediation? 2) landlord has suspended rent as of 16th, but am I entitled to storage, moving, and/or living expenses while repairs are being completed?
  • My apartment complex is threatening to evict me because I do not personal/insurance information on a non-tenant that caused damage to the property, even though the non-tenant paid to have it repaired the same day of damage. Can the aparment complex evict me?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program