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  • I tried to get the order of protection against me on behalf of my daughter quashed and my ex was at the hearing with a lawyer, witnesses, evidence, etc. and I was there with just me and my fiance. Can I file to get another hearing since I didn't know that is what to expect. She filed it and I wasn't there. Why did she get to be there when I was suppose to plea my side?
  • Where cam I find online "Respondent" forms for a dissolution of marriage petition?
  • I am planning on moving at the end of April. I have resided here for almost 5 years. I am worried the apt manager is going to bill me for the carpet and paint. The carpet was old when I moved in. My question is "can they bill me for carpet replacement and paint after I have been here for almost 5 years"
  • I have a right to sue letter from the EEOC I wanted more information and calrification on this letter and had a few other questions. I have a discrimination case with the EEOC and retaliation one as well
  • My husband started paying his child support to his ex-wife once the amount was determined - before the official court order was issued. He was paying child support directly to her instead of the Clearing House. He did this for a year. The Clearing House now says that he owes back child support and $2000 in interest. We have all of the cancelled checks. Can we dispute this?
  • My boyfriend and i just split up and he took my child away and said I'm never goin to seee him again. If i went to court for this could i lose my baby? He works and i dont but im starting my online schooling, I live with my mom and she help me out. My child can't be without me I raised him, I havent left his side.  What would the chances of me having him be and of not being able to see him again? if you could get at me asap please.

  • The gas is in my landlord's name because it covers the whole building, and he is supposed to give us a monthly statement so we can pay our share. We have been here since January. It is March, and we have yet to receive a bill. I am afraid that he will wait until it is too much to pay at once. Does he have a time limit to get our monthly bill to us?
  • In 2008, my only uncle put everything he owned, including his business he had for over 30 years, into a revocable trust naming my sister and I as co successor trustees and me as the executor of his estate. My uncle passed away September 22, 2014 and my sister wants to sell the business...but I have been running the business and want to keep it. She has moved away and declared she wants nothing to do with it. Will I be forced to buy her out in order to keep the business? Or because it was a gift that she doesn't want isn't that just like refusing any other gift? Thank you, Lisa
  • Where to Buy Kamagra Online at the Best Price without Prescription?

  • If someone was convicted of domestic violence 3 years ago, can they by any way file any motions to get the fines reduced by the court? or file for any motions to set aside the conviction?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program