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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • The CC&R states no clothesline. The home we are in was built in 1979. Is there a conflict with ARS 33-439 and ARS 44-1761? Can I legally put up a clothesline to dry clothes in my unfenced backyard?
  • A lady with 7 cats and 2 rabbits has lived in my home for the past 3 years. Nothing signed but has been month to month. I gave her written notice 12/1/15 that must leave no later than 1/31/16. She has not done a thing to move out. What can I do if she leaves but does not take her animals?
  • ca the police ask to see the keys to the vehicle you are driving and then refuse to give them back, because you borrowed the car and it's not in your name , because it's a friends
  • I am not married and want to establish custody and child support. How do i do this?
  • I moved into an apartment 4 years ago with carpet flooring. I have always been allergic to carpet. Now I want the complex to change the carpet to vinyl flooring planks. Are they required do to ADA and pay for it? They say if I want new flooring, I must pay for it.
  • My father died in March & mother in June. We have found that dad had some life insurance through USPO with no beneficiary designated. They want to pay to my mom's estate but there is no estate. She had assets under $10,000 and no real property. I found the small estate affidavit. There are three surviving children, 1 deceased with 2 children. I assume we all need to fill out an affidavit? One of the grandchildren is still a minor. Who fills out his?
  • We signed a 4 month lease at an RV Storage facility to rent a 60' space for our 20' trailer, because we were told only 60' spaces were available. After parking the trailer in the assigned space we discovered it is not 60' but 40', which rents for $75 per month. The facility continues to insist it's a 60' space, refuses to measure it & refuses to change our rental rate to $75. They only offer to move us to "another" 60' space as a solution. Is it legal for them to overcharge us like this? What recourse do we have? We suspect they're doing this to others. Isn't this fraud? What rights do we have
  • I was let go from the company I work for. I had employee housing that I took a paycut for to supplement me staying in the house. I was not given an eviction notice but was told that I needed to be out by 6 pm the same day. It was 1 pm when I was informed. My final check has been withheld until I move out. And my landlord/employer has told me the locks will be changed the next day. Is this even legal??
  • A person came into my office for a meeting and I stated "I do not consent to being recorded" prior to our conversation. He recorded the conversation. I understand the one-person consent laws for recording but I expressly revoked consent. Do I have a case to take to court?
  • Our family is relocting to another state. Our 16 year old daughter is not wanting to go and says "she refuses." We are an average American family and never had a problem with our daughter. She does well in school and my wife and I have always held very good jobs. What are her rights as a minor and ours as parents. She is claiming that if she runs away, she legally cannot be "forced" to go home.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program