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  • I'm 29 citizen of phoenix az. I have been thru a violent abused on my age of 8.9.10. Thru 16 . My dad was a domestic violence and and my mom let him violence fighting like I was another man, not his son.i help them with my five brothers younger, and clean up everithing . My dad was a violent person he have record even in mexico. Too violent with me and discriminate of been gay and much more staff. Do I have a right. He never help me . Never do nothing for me. He trough me from his house having no place to go after a remodel everithing. And didn't pay me nothing,can I take them to court for thi
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  • I am going through a child paternity, custody, visitation, and child support case. I left arizona due to a domestic violence situation with my daughters father. I am in need of legal help and have tried yuma community legal services. He has paid for a really good lawyer which I have no money to afford one at all. He keeps doing things that I had no clue you could do and am terrified of losing my daughter to him because of this. He is not interested in the child for the right reasons. And the child would be in danger in his care. I am completly broke, any thing i can do to get legal help?
  • I need help with HOA violations that I am being fined $25 a day which I think is unreasonable. No others have been cited for similar problems for 30 years. Nothing has changed on my property for the 4 years I have lived here and only now has a complaint been filed against me. I cannot afford this claim and will more than likely lose my home if it cannot be paid. I need some free legal representation to resolve these issues ASAP since I am on SSA and retired and disabled.
  • Our 16 year old son became aggressive after a shopping outing and began beating up my wife taking her to the ground. We are wondering what legal options we have since the answer we are getting from all agencies is that we just have to deal with it and work it out ourselves. We are looking for help of any kind including juvenile detention or detainment in a health facility. I am afraid to leave the house if our son is there and afraid of what he might do in the middle of the night since he has uttered death threats.

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  • Can you file a motion for visitation without an attorney? My son was not married to his girlfriend they had a child they broke up and she has the child. She will not let my son see the child instead will take him to her parents and let him spend the weekend.
  • My fiancé moved into my house about 3 months ago from Texas. This weekend I asked him to leave and he is refusing. He does not pay or help pay any bills for the house and I am the soul owner of the house. What can I do to get him out of my house?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program