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  • My husband & I have legal guardianship of our two grandsons, aged 14 & 15. Our 14 year old has requested to live with his mother, who is also in Tucson. This will be ok with us, however we don't know exactly how to proceed. His father has physical custody,mom has joint custody. His dad has indicated that he does not want him. What is the legal proceedure to turn custody over to his mom?
  • I filed for ch. 7 bankruptcy and my debts were discharged on June 2011. To this date I'm badly behind on my house payments, and my lender offers me a reduced monthly payment of $350. The problem is that my lender does not want to make any promises in writing and does not give me straight answers on what happens if I keep my end of the deal. I'm affraid my lender will simply foreclose when it may fit its interest, disregard of my needs. Also, it is wise to enter into any deals post bankruptcy if my debts are discharded already and thus, uncollectable? Thanks!
  • If an order of protection says that the defendant has to surrender his firearms to the Mesa PD, can he give them to a friend instead? Is this violating the order of protection?
  • I read a similar but not exact question, so I'd still like to ask one. My son's biological father & I went through a custody case in 2013. He was granted extremely limited parenting time, but (for some reason) joint legal decision making. It's now been almost 2 years and we haven't seen from or heard from him. I'd like to sever his parental rights, and my current partner is considering adopting my son. The question I read earlier cited ARS numbers, but that doesn't help. I have a doc: "Petition for Termination of Parent-Child Relationship". Is that correct? What if they can't find him?
  • my year lease is up nov 29 she gave me notice today rent increase again frm 513 to 575 this is a studio apt no bigger thn 500 sq ft is this legal she is a slum lord also charging water when its not separate units also she has thermaostat in office I have no control of it she has done no upgrades I replace things whn they need to b replaced and roaches I have to take care of the prob myself can she keep raising my rent every year ? help
  • Can a landlord charge a non-refundable security deposit?
  • I found out my ex boyfriend showed my 12 year old porn because he was afraid he was gay, can I press any charges against him for this
  • my sons mother has sole custody but i have visitation. do parental rights allow me to request medical & school records for my son?
  • I got married in san luis Az. when I was a legal resident, but now I'm no longer a legal resident and I live in san luis mexico, I been separated for 13 years and I want to get a divorce, I don"t know what to do.
  • paternal gmother given guardianship through protective services and sent ward to live in Nevada with maternal gmother and gfather with informal "custody" note then informal gship under NV law. maternal gmother and gfather want to adopt and have consent of guardian as well as consent of mother and unknown father's rights have been terminated. Need to know how to terminate the gship now that adoption case been filed in NV.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program