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  • I have sole legal and father last known address is CA. Last attempt to serve was done by alternate service and last known address. He has not exercised visitation in almost 3yrs. Has history of Domestic violence. Sole legal was given 1yr ago. I'm currently needing to move out of state. Since he is not in AZ I'm not sure if I need to file with the court. Or just update my address. My last attorney said I'm free to go where and when I need but never said how.
  • I want to move out of state my 14 year old daughter is now living with her father how do I sign over guardianship to him I don't want to give up my rights I just want him able to make legal decisions because we have joint custody and I'm the primary patent
  • I am concerned that my landlord did not follow the law in the Landlord Tenant Act (section 33-1321) concerning Landlord Obligations for security deposits. The law says “Within 14 days after termination of tenancy…the tenant shall be provided an itemized list of all deductions…” I received an itemized list of repairs within 14 days but there were no dollar amounts showing what would be deducted from my deposit. 54 days later, they provided an itemized list with deductions. The law does not say only provide an itemized list of repairs. The law says provide an itemized list of repairs WITH deductions. Since they did not provide the dollar amount of deductions within 14 days, did they violate the law? If yes, what do I do?
  • My friend has a friend who is losing her house through foreclosure. She paid an attorney $8,000.00 for assistance, and the attorney hasn't helped her in any advice, in over a month. Now she's worried that someone from the sheriff's Dept., is going to lock her out. She has 3 pets, is now broke, has no place to go, and all her belongings are still in her house. Can she request the sheriff's Dept., to give her an extention, until she can find a place to say, and to put her belongings somewhere else? And if so... how long can the extention be, at most? She lives in Phoenix, Az. Thank you~
  • what are the fathers rights if not married?
  • I am renting a unit and am under section 8... I just found out that I had bed bugs... I called my management and told them about it. They said that I had to pay for the pest control people to come out and spray .. I also found out that one of the other units had bed bugs less then a year ago.. shouldn't they have to pay or have someone check all the other units???
  • I am renting a house the sewage pipes are busted landlord is having it repaired but during the repair what is the landlords responsiblity for housing and per diem while home is not livable?
  • I was in process of loan modification with my bank, and house was foreclosed on. I was notified after the foreclosure date, and now have been given Notice of Demand for Possession. What options are there to have 30 days to vacate and financial assistance to do that?
  • My daughters father just recently was just given sole legal decision making. Does this mean he has full custody over the child?
  • I was terminated from my job because I injured myself, is this a legal practice that employers in this state can do ?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program