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  • My ex-husband and myself have joint legal custody of our 14yr old daughter. Our divorce was final in 2007, I am now remarried and my current husband has a new job out of state and my daughter has expressed wanting to live with us during the school year and her father during all holiday and summer breaks. I'm fine with this arrangment, her father is not. At what age in AZ is a childs wishes taken into consideration? Thank you
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  • I signed a rent lease prior to the Covid19 pandemic. I'm supposed to be moving into the apartment in April but got layed-off from the job. I contacted the apartment owner but they're unwilling to cancel or postpone the lease. What are my rights with the current climate of the Corona virus pandemic?
  • My lease is expiring on May 23, 2020. I signed a notice to vacate, but my roommate refuses to sign. My landlord has initiated a month to month lease and is telling me that I am responsible for the rent until both of us sign the order. I cannot control what my roommate does. Am I legally bound to this person? Can they force me into a month to month lease, and make me stay when I want to move?
  • My ex is remarried an in my home not paying with new husband van I evict them
  • My husband may receive IOU's instead of paychecks in the next month or two. Do mortgage companies offer a temporary forebearance on our loan during the time he doesn't receive a paycheck? We are current on our home but will not be able to make payments if he does not receive a paycheck.
  • So, my landlord and I discussed my closing out my current lease at the end of it, but agreed to resigning it with a new roommate. He agreed we have until May 1 to get all of our paperwork submitted to him, but when sent to him before May 1, he said someone else was in the process of signing a lease. Is this allowed since Im the current resident and we had already discussed resigning a lease after it ends at the end of June 2017?
  • x boyfriend and i have a 17 year old son, the father got involved in his life at age 12, last year i agreed to joint custody, because he would be put in a better, our son attened school for approx 2 months his dad felt he was not applying him self so he took him out of school. making my son a drop out, he wants to be in school badly, on top of this our son did something he disagreed with and his father kicked him out of the house, he is so depressed. he's unable to live with with me do to an abusive situation im trying to get away from. is it legal for him to put our son out like that?
  • My daughters father just recently was just given sole legal decision making. Does this mean he has full custody over the child?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program