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  • How do I legally remove my verbally and emotionally abusive non-rent paying adult son from my home? He's also unemployed, by choice. Thank you.
  • In the pass about 4 months ago I hped my niece out a couple times and paid on her Sprint account since then she has cancelled the account well since I paid on her account 4 times with my debit card Sprint has taken my money from my account since I helped her and pAid her bill 4 times took out 4000 of my money they won't help me recovery my money my bank won't help me since I helped her and pAid in the pass...i need help that was so the money we had and now nobody will help me recovery my money ..please someone any one help I never had Sprint just helped my niece out.thus is not my debit
  • Is the owner of an RV park responsible for ensuring the dead tree limbs and trees are trimmed so they do not damage personal property or residents.
  • I need to establish parental rights. My baby momma is threating to take off wit my son and I have bn the one takin him to appointments,daycare,and I'm a full time student we aren't married but we live together and he has my last name jus don't have birth certificate.Please I need help don't wanna lose my son.
  • under serious family medical leave:which forms are requier?
  • My boyfriends little brother is living with us and has been for a long time since their mom got deported. We now need proof of guardianship so he can get his driver license. How do we go about getting this?
  • my landlord gave me a notice to terminate my tenancy she says that i destroyed the outside which is not true and that i had illegal occupants living with me not true and that the inside of my house was unsafe and unhealthy also not true an inspector was at my house twice at the same time she is talking about they saw nothing wrong also a couple of months ago I asked the landlord to fix my air conditioning she failed to do so so I called section 8 they gave her thirty days to fix it she did on the last day of the thirty days so she told me Iin the phone that that's why she is really kicking me
  • I am concerned that my landlord did not follow the law in the Landlord Tenant Act (section 33-1321) concerning Landlord Obligations for security deposits. The law says “Within 14 days after termination of tenancy…the tenant shall be provided an itemized list of all deductions…” I received an itemized list of repairs within 14 days but there were no dollar amounts showing what would be deducted from my deposit. 54 days later, they provided an itemized list with deductions. The law does not say only provide an itemized list of repairs. The law says provide an itemized list of repairs WITH deductions. Since they did not provide the dollar amount of deductions within 14 days, did they violate the law? If yes, what do I do?
  • We need to get an LLC prepared in order to take possession of a gold IRA. Can we get assistance and how do we go about and what are the costs involved? Thank you.
  • I was involved in an accident last year where the at-fault driver was uninsured. After receiving care my health insurance was billed and no liens were put on my auto insurance. I have since settled with auto insurance, but this week I received a collection notice from an attorney saying I owe the provider an amount above the agreed upon rate from my health insurance. When talking to the provider they said AZ law allows them to collect the remaining balance from me with personal injury. Can they hold me liable for the balance above the rate my health insurance has after they have billed them?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program