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  • The house I have been renting month to month has been foreclosed and already been sold to new I have 90 days to move out and if the new owners ask for rent can they charge me more then what I was paying with me lease or do I not pay them?
  • If you moved into a property, but never sighned a lease agreement, can you be evicted?
  • After divorcing in 1999 I raised my 3 children for years while my ex scated on the majority of the support she was supposed to pay. I let it go. After she failed to return two from a visitation I agreed to allow them to stay with her. She jacked up my payment by 4x as much based on a former income. She now takes 50% of my income including Soc Sec and is starving me out. A civil matter at this time. Possilby criminal fraud. She is a legal secretary and knew what she was doing. 87 filings. I can't afford the copying fees.
  • Basically what happened is I signed a year lease with my landlord. We completed the entire year and moved out. Turns out they auto enrolled us into month to month without our consent. The bill started to rack up and we had no knowledge of it. They end up gettig a judgement against us without anyone of our knowledge. Its been about 4 years and i found out recently. Is there anyway i can dispute this? Do i not deserve my day in court?
  • Two weeks ago I had a discussion with my landlord and his wife about being two weeks late on my rent and would need to pay it on the 14th of November. They were kind and said that would be fine and to come in around rent time to fill out a promissory note. During that time and now his (the landlord's) wife left him because he was very abusive. Now Sunday Nov 2nd I went in to fill out the contract to pay on the 14th and the landlord said he was evicting anyone who had anything to do with her. What can I do I am a single dad with no family in AZ.
  • how do i put in an application online?
  • I am a disabled female residing in an apt. complex which has been in poor condition since I moved in over 2 yrs. ago. Repairs are RARELY made and I now have a mice, termite, tick, and either a chigger or bedbug infestation which is a MAJOR health issue and an emotional one as well. I've asked the landlord for assistance as I am on SSDI and live month to month. Despite ALL my efforts, she continues to ignore me. Isn't it the Realty company's responsibility to assist with an exterminator? PLEASE HELP ME!
  • I am behind $8000.00 dollars on my mortgage. I know they will send a foreclosure notice soon. I have been struggling due to having a medical issue both my wife and myself (Heart Attack). Is there away to keep my home from foreclosure with a a program available to me? I am still working and my wife cannot find employment in Kingman as it is a small town.I have had to file ch-13 and I am still making payments to the court trustee monthly.
  • Can I be forced to establish paternity by my babys father?
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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program