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  • what assistance is available to me I was 12 months behind caught up on six in September and they started foreclosure this month sell date is Feb of 2015 I thought they were working with me and no notice foreclosure.? my husband was on unemployment for over 4 years and recently is now working and we are able to catch up and stay on track.
  • My father recently passed. He remarried 8 mos prior to his death. He had a will & a trust. In the trust, he left me & my brother his house which had balance. The will/trust states that his wife can live in the house "rent free" because it was supposed to paid off with the life insurance policy. It doesn't state that she has to pay the house off, but it is implied. However, it does state that she must pay the utilities, maintenance, property taxes, etc. She has yet to file the trust with the county, is giving $ to other beneficiaries & trading in his vehicle for new one. Probate or Trust Atty?
  • I moved out of this apartment complex 4 years ago. Never recieved any letters, e-mails, or phone calls regarding famages or fees. So I assumed there wasnt any. I left that apartment spotless and was om a good credit agreement where I paid a small non refundable deposit apposed to a larger refundable one. Here we are 4 years later after I recieve an e-mail stating I owe them money! This is their first contact with me since I moved out. Can they still hold me accountable after all this time? I feel as though they are just trying to scam me for money.
  • If court ordered my friend to pay child support, does this mean a decree was complete? My friend still thinks he is married and a responsible party.
  • If i am renting to own my trailer and i have any maintenance problems am i responsible for paying for the repairs or is the manager responsible for them?
  • I turn 18 in October. I was wondering what it would take to change my last name to my moms maiden name in October. My mom is okay with it and father hasn't been in my life. Also my mom and father are seperated and going through child support issues. Is there anything that would prevent me from doing that? If so what can i do?
  • My renter has missed 2 months rent and has said in writing that she will be out by the 1st of next month. She has not been truthful with me on many other issues so I can not b sure. Should I proceed with an eviction notice? If so how long does eviction take? Please advise. Thanks
  • Can HUD or FHA garnish my Social Security and Honeywell Pension for expenses if my Reverse Mortgage defaults?
  • If my boyfriend of 14 years and father of my 2 children and I can agree on everything with child custody and support , can we just have it leagally drawn up without court?
  • I am a permanent resident in America and am divorced from my ex wife who resides in Dominica West Indies Can I be arrested when I return to visit, would I be arrested for according to her lies for not paying child support to her there




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program