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  • is there any way for me to file child support and not have to pay for it because i don't have the money to pay and if not how much will it cost for all the filing fee?
  • pools are not being opended,the water is always green,leash law is not being enforced,poop is all over walk ways,stairways smell like urine and dead animals
  • Can my children's father get a restraining order against me keeping me from my children after he lost all parental rights in court after he failed to comply with dcfs the state gave me custody and terminated his but I allowed him back in their lives now he says he has a restraining order is that possible?
  • Can an employer require an employee to take anger management or behavior modification courses, or see a therapist.
  • My daughters mom and I have 50/50 joint custody but she passed away in June. What do I need to do in order to get full custody of my daughter?
  • can i "set aside" my record if it was a felony conviction for "misconduct involving weapons"
  • I need help with custody of nonparent information.

  • My roommate flaked out on me and I need to pay a termination fee for the apartment. We are both signed on the lease but I need to know if my roommate is also responsible to split the termination fee and if so, what if my roommate refuses? Will she be responsible for paying her part? The termination fee is four months of rent and I am able to pay two (half) of the overall fee. My landlords said if she won't pay her part, it will be sent to collections and they will also require me to pay the remaining balance if she doesn't.
  • I came home yesterday afternoon and my landlord had broken into my home and was inside and had several people inside I didn't know and they were going through my things and throwing my belongings outside, I have not been evicted. things were missing and some were destroyed what can I do
  • My sister in law is pregnant and not married. She does not wish to be with the babies father and will be doing a paternity test when the baby is born. If the test comes back that he is the parent, does she have to make the babies last name the same as his in order to get child support? If he signs his parental rights away, does he still have to pay child support?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program