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  • How should we be holding title to our home if we want our children, from prior marriages, to inherit our respective portions of community property? Currently it is CPWROS. I know this is wrong as my daughter will get nothing if I pass first.
  • I owe a debt to a creditor for medical expenses. The creditor has increased the debt by charging me a penalty for not paying on time. Is this legal? Are all late fees penalties?
  • We moved in on may 24 on may 25 we tried contacting front office of refrigerator not working daughter in law went in to main office on a Monday they told her following Wednesday maintenance would be in 2 weeks later maintenance shows up says it needs freon another week passes still fridge not fixed all food now spoiled contract does say tenant responsible for kiss but doesn't say tenant responsible for loss if complex neglegent do I get reimbursed for food lost
  • Where can I find previous restraining orders records? Trying to gather all possible evidence that my ex has a pattern of domestic violence. I know all of us 3 women who he has been with filed for an order of protection and experienced domestic abuse. He beat me up when I was pregnant with our son and our son came out early and is now in NICU. I want to do everything possible to protect my child.
  • I and my ex girlfriend are both minors, at the age of 16. Now, after a month of being broken up she has told me that she is pregnant. She has had this confirmed by the doctor and is now saying that she is going to need child support from me; furthermore,if I don't give the money to her she will get a court order. Do I have any right to deny the possibility that the child is mine, or deny paying child support? I am unemployed and my legal guardian is as well; we live off of my mothers child support for her own kids.
  • I was charged with a crime in 2007 and the district attorney never decided to file charges in time but this charge is on my record is preventing me from job oppourtunities what can I do
  • My sister in law recently asked my husband (her brother) to adopt her baby, the baby is due in January. She is willing to sign over parental right. She has not been able to get in contact with the father of the baby since she informed him of the pregnancy. He told her he does not want anything to do with the baby. Do we have to his written consent to proceed with the adoption? Is there a legal way to contact him to get the form signed?
  • I'm being sued for credit card debt of 1000.00. I answered the summons and now their attorneys want no trial but want the judge to resolve the issue. What are my options? Do they put a lien on my property?
  • I am going through a child paternity, custody, visitation, and child support case. I left arizona due to a domestic violence situation with my daughters father. I am in need of legal help and have tried yuma community legal services. He has paid for a really good lawyer which I have no money to afford one at all. He keeps doing things that I had no clue you could do and am terrified of losing my daughter to him because of this. He is not interested in the child for the right reasons. And the child would be in danger in his care. I am completly broke, any thing i can do to get legal help?
  • I rent a mobile home that has a large front and back yard. My landlord is always on the property and coming over unannounced. I understand I rent from him but how much privacy am I entitled to? The landlord also has a storage shed that sits behind the mobile home. We don't use. The neighbor next door comes over whenever he pleases and uses the storage shed. He says the landlord lets him use it. I feel like I have no privacy whatsoever!




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program