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  • I care for my friends daughter, it was just when she is working. now I have her 5 of 7 days of the week. When she dose go home, The house is cold and horribly trashy, The child is always locked into her room because of the house. She is always dirty and puruple when I pick her up. What rights as the caregiver do I have? I do not feel her home is safe for her child. I also have her son 24/7 with the father living here with us.
  • The house is currently in foreclosure.It is being sold at an auction in January.Will they give me a notice telling me I have to get out? Or can they by law,put my stuff on the curb?
  • My wife and I are presently fight for cusody of our 7yr old. She lives in Fort Mohave, AZ and I live in Phoenix. Since we have not come to an agreement on the cusody matter, she has been not allowing me to speak or bring my son to Phoenix for a long weekend. What rights do I have? We are still waiting on a court hearing in front of a judge in Mohave County. Note: She is not living with the child, her parents are taking care of him.
  • What is the maximum income level to qualify for food stamps?
  • I rent a house that is in foreclosure. the landlord does not know that i am aware . The house is being put up for auction in 60 days. Am I within my legal rights to withhold rent so I can find another place to live? Can he try to evict prior to the auction due to unpaid rent?
  • I have had a good job working overseas for the past 3 years. i am now moving back home for good, taking a very large pay cut because i want equal custody of my kids. If we go back to court can I have the child support removed because we will now have joint custody and I will have taken a significant pay cut.
  • Need a lawyer I don't have much money. They say I owe money I know someone has used my name Please tell me what I do to stop this.
  • I had a court date and I was actually in emergency room getting a mental health evaluation I faxed the proof to the judge and he still put a bench warrant out for my arrest and there was no bond set I have never been known to run or not show up to court so I'm not a threat of fleeing is this legal? if what can I do
  • I've been in a rented home for over a year the cooling system in the home doesn't properly function it will turn on and constantly run however it doesn't cool or heat and I end up with with an outrageous bill I've verbally mentioned to him but summer is here and I've mentioned it again.I received a certified 30 day notice to evacuate.what can I do?
  • I have raised my granddaughter since she was born. Her mother gave her to me in 2013 and never came back. She calls sometimes and comes to see her every few months. The baby's father is in prison and has had no contact with the child except for a few cards he has sent over the last 3 years. Can I file for custody due to abandonment?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program