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  • I had to call the police on my wife who was threatening violence last night. They effectively treated me like the abuser but thats another story. Now my wife is threatening to get an order of protection against me even though she was the violent one. What can I do to protect myself? And will I be able to contact my kids? I'll have to live out of my car as I know no one around here.
  • Our original divorce decree did not stipulate payment for secondary education. Can this be modified now that the children are 18 and in college. Child Support payments are still being made.
  • I filed my divorce and sole custody paperwork through pima county courts because I was living there. Since then, both me and my ex-husband have moved out of state, and planning to move again, but my son, now 13, wants to live with his father until he is 18. What easiest way to modify the custody order to give sole custody to my ex-husband?
  • Is there any fifference between disclure and discovery or are they the same thing?
  • I work at home and currently have Joint 50/50 decision-making and parenting time. If I continue to exercise my first right of refusal while the other party is working would that be helpful when going back to court post-decree to help get more time with the children?

    Where Can I Buy Viagra (sildenafil) Online at Lowest Price?

  • in the state of Arizona, is the act known as "skitching" - where you use a car's momentum to pull you when riding a skateboard or rollerblades, a crime? and if so, where might i be albe to find the laws concerning it?Thank you
  • I leased a house that I saw 6 months prior. I paid first months rent and deposit totaling 2400. House has no hot water or heat. Trashed, full of prior tenants belongings. I had to have mover put things in house. I am in hotel that I am paying for as house not livable. Can I terminate lease and how?
  • If the landlord evicts me for 3,000 $ back rent on his lot, does he take ownership of the 50,000 $ Manufactured Home and everything inside?
  • My 91 year-old father has recently been admitted to an Altzheimer's long term care facility. My stepsister, his ex-wife and a fiduciary have healthcare Power of Attorney. The fiduciary is private and only acts as a substitute. I have no access to his medical records. I live in CA & cannot take charge of his care. He's medicated and sleepy all the time. How can I get access to his medical records without becoming responsible for his care from another state? My stepsister is not cooperative and has even threatened my visits with my father. The fiduciary interceded on my behalf. His ex-wife has taken all his assets.
  • I am deploying to go to afghanistan. I want to file for divorce but am concerned that may not go in my favor at this time. Can my spouse file for a divorce legally? I am leaving in july. How long does a divorce take , can it be finalized w/o me being present? If we have our own vehicles, both names r on each, could it possibly be divided where I keep my truck? Thank u




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program