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  • I live in a mobilehome park for 18 yrs. l. Then I receive a letter by the park lawyer. On the letter states that my oldest daughter broke in my neighbors cars, in the carport and also broke in their mobilehome. This wasn't true at all their wasn't a police report and the manager never send me a letter about it. So I will like to know how I would make them take that off my file. Cause of you get three write ups they will force me to move out of the park and sell it.
  • If I am over 18 and in college do I still have to participate in the jobs program?
  • I have joint custody of my 2 older children, my youngest child I am engaged to her father and we are living together. My two oldest children's fathers pay child support well one does other hasn't and don't. My oldest child father is involved but my 2nd child father hasn't called, hasn't seen her,nothing in like 6 years (she doesn't want to see him). All children live with me and my fiance. I was wondering if my fiance could adopt them with me so we both have custody of them together & how would the child support work?
  • My son is 8 and his father has been in and out of his life we haven't seen or heard from him in about 7 months the longest time he has ignored our son has been a year-and-a-half he will randomly pop in and promise him a lot of things and when it's time to do for him he disappears . . . I married about 3 years ago and my son has asked many times for my husband to adopt him he even asked his Bio dad to please let him be adopted & of course he said no... can I claim abandonment? and how do I start the process?
  • I am a foreign national married to a US citizen and am currently preparing my immigration package to become a permanent resident. For the affidavit of support I got a bank statement showing payments from my main source of income, but it contains a disclaimer from the bank stating that they do not guarantee its correctness. I am worried it might affect whether it is accepted as evidence. Could this disclaimer become a problem in the immigration process?
  • we have been in our lease for 12 months. In our initial lease it stated that the owner was to replace water heater and repair roof leak. We are about to renew and he still has not completed the repairs. The kitchen ceiling is coming down and he says it's our responsibility to repair. I stated that the root leak caused all of the damage and that the repairs are part of the roof leak. He has not repaired the roof and we are 12 months into the lease. What can I do to force him to repair or simply breach of contract for repairs.
  • I retired from the army this past november and decided to move. even though i have orders my property manager is saying that i have pay a partial rent and a buyout of the lease.
  • I have been listed as custodial parent for our daughter since our divorce in 2010. At the time of divorce my ex husband wasn't employed but it was listed in the decree that he was to pay 100% for all health insurances including dental and vision and was responsible for 50% of all non covered medical expenses as well. From Jan 2011-March 2018 he failed to pay any of these obligations. We have a court ordered child support in place now but his self employed income hasn't been filed according to his then attorney since 2016. How will the court determine his income?
  • If you have been unemployed due to COVID-19. I Paid this months rent and have three months remaining on a lease, can you be released. I’ve lived there over two years and have always paid on time. I asked the lady in the office and she was very rude and said that I have to pay for every month. I’m trying to do the right thing and let them know I am now financially strained.
  • If the father is not listed on the birth certificate can you stillget chils support




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program