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  • We are being evicted, our landlord served us three papers, each of which stated a different reason for eviction, loudness, smoking, non-payment of rent etc. Do her statements have to be consistent with one another? If so, can I use her inconsistency as a defence in court?
  • I see a lot of doctrine that establishes the means of acquiring a Protection Order, but I see nothing in regards to the ramifications of filing a false one. So my question is; does filing a false Protection Order, also include immunity from prosecution? Is there any justice for anyone who has been the victim of a system remedy, which has been abused to the point where it has become weapon, rendering it ineffective? Its ironic that a system created to help victims, in turn makes victims. Was that the intended purpose, to deprive fathers of their children and create a plethora problems?
  • My ex wife & I have shared custody of our 2 boys 9 & 11. I have been off work for over a year due to seizures, psoriatic arthritis and back problems & depression. I'm presently waiting to see if I can get on disability. My ex brings the boys to me on weeks I have them. I can not drive due to seizures. She recently sent me a nasty text telling me if I only knew what's coming and she'll take boys from me. What are my rights? She was diagnosed with bi-polar disease and I worry about my boys. I want the best for them but can she take them away from me? . I love them so much. Thank you
  • my husband & i have been separated for years. he does not pay his court ordered child support and ive soley supported our child for the past 10 years & he doesn't come around. My son has became too disruptive & I feel he needs to be with his dad. If I give him to his dad to raise.....can i be charged with child abandonment? also, can he sue me for child support even though he's 30K behind in child support currently?
  • I work at home and currently have Joint 50/50 decision-making and parenting time. If I continue to exercise my first right of refusal while the other party is working would that be helpful when going back to court post-decree to help get more time with the children?

    Where Can I Buy Viagra (sildenafil) Online at Lowest Price?

  • me and my girlfriend have a child together he has my last name and I'm named on his birth certificate how do I get custody of him as she has mental health problems. and can't look after him properly.
  • I have two roommates I no longer want in the private mobile home I am purchasing from owner how do I get them to move
  • I am a landlord and my lease specifically states "Mediation then arbitration" My previous tenant has filed a Case in the Civil Small Claims court. Can they legally take me to court if the lease has listed Mediation and Arbitration over a going to court?
  • My air condition unit went out. I contacted my landlord told him the problem. He called his maintenance/repair guy he fixed the problem 24 hours later. Now the landlord wants me to pay $800 in repairs/labor saying it was my fault due to not changing filters every month. I did change the filters every 60 days even though the filters I buy say they last up to 3 months. What's the right way to go about this situation?
  • I am married with one child and carry my maiden name. I would like to hyphenate our daughters last name to show my maiden name and her father's last name. Can I do that?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program