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  • Can my wife move with my children out of state? I have a career in Arizona. She has a recently acquired minimum wage job. We're divorcing and she wants to leave AZ.
  • I am currently receiving Nutrition Assitance but my husband just recently started receving unemployment, do i need to call and report the he is now on unemployment?
  • Can a landlord dictate where a child sleeps? Saying a child over 2 “needs” their own bedroom. Not only is this nickel and diming parents to pay the extra rent for more rooms it feels extremely discriminating and invasive of parental rights. Telling me where my child can and can’t sleep, basically not allowing bedsharing or trying to get families with kids to move elsewhere cause they can’t afford adding another bedroom to their budget.
  • My husband quit claimed house to his brother before we were married but never had it recorded. Now he has quit claimed to me. Is this going to make me legally the owner with my husband or does it belong to his brother legally?
  • Do I have to pay arrears if the child's an adult & her & her mother move out of the country?
  • Moved into renovated home was to be done by 6/18 (day moved in). Upon arrival; 2 baseball size holes in 2 windows & piles of trash under carport. Due to incorrect measurements windows would be another week. Week1 dryer vent had to be re-cut, electrician rewired house due to fire hazard. Week2 plumbing unable to do laundry 2weeks now, family has to share 1 bathroom, windows not replaced. Week3 windows replaced 7/1–7/6, plumbing on hold to find better price (laundry?), & still sharing bathroom. Was given 1 months free rent but asking us to pay full electricity bill. What are her obligations?
  • My neighbor upstairs has 3 kids aand 2 adults. I have gone to management many times to ask them to send a notice about being too loud. The jumping around is so loud it vibrates my windows,I have gone up to talk to the lady and ask her to keep it down a bit. I saw one of the children riding a scooter in the apartment and another jumping off furniture,I told the management about this but they told me it's "part of apartment living" In the lease it states I'm allowed my peace and quiet. 2 days later I got a notice saying I'm not allowed to "pound excessively" on the neighbors door.What can I do?
  • I just signed a one year lease For a small apartment, when I started to move things in and out of the apartment I noticed it smells like smoke so I tried to air it out but nothing is getting the smell of smoke out and it's really affecting my allergies, I cleaned the walls myself but it's still strong enough to affect me, I asked the landlord to have the apartment painted but he doesn't want to do that, is the landlord required to paint the apartment to get the smell of smoke off
  • I currently recieved a notice saying i have a warrent for unpaid child support, the problem is that Az has been taking out $500 faithfully a month for the past year. My ex says all she's gotten is about $50. Where is the money going and how can i get this settled?
  • I am permanent resident came in this country before 2 years, my wife is she eligible for full medical coverage or not




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program