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  • Is it possible to remove a domestic violence charge from my record to stop having a delay when I purchase firearms?
  • I was handcuffed didn't go to jail. Now I got served 4 months later w/court papers saying I have to get fingerprint and 2 days later I have court. I request police report and was told they can't that I would have to contact state prosecutor because of ongoing investigation. Please help
  • My brother died intestate recently and owns a MH in a 55+ park. What rights do the heirs have as far a payment of space rent and being evicted from the mobile home park.
  • Is it legal to sell meat without the weight and cost per pound identified?

    Where Can I Buy Phentermine Online at Lowest Price without Prescription?

  • New owner. She is trying to make the tenants sign a new lease. There are new rules about the size of animals and the use of recreational marijuana even with a medical card. What are the tenants rights. And can they refuse to sign the new lease? I'm pretty sire animals that are there are grandfathered in. I'm not sure about what the mobile home owners cn do about the rest. The tena ts are talkimg not signing new leases. Please help.
  • My ex wife filed for an order of protection from me, stating that I had committed acts of domestic violence against her and my children. She filed for it on Sept. 11, 2019 and said that the domestic violence had taken place within the past year. I had been 1500 miles away in the state of WA since 12/27/2017. Had not stepped foot in the state of AZ for almost two years. I have NEVER harmed my ex, nor our children, I have never made threats to hurt them, I don't even spank my children. This has torn my life apart. Is there any legal recourse for her lying, and keeping me from our kids?
  • My son had a girlfriend that is having a baby any day. The girlfriend has been with us and under our care untill recently. She has grown up in a unstable and unsafe and abusive living environment. The mother who has custody recently came back into her life with her boyfriend that use to molest the girl I'm speaking of. The girl was living with her great grandma and they moved onto the property and she feels unsafe there and they made her go back . When she had her baby can she and my son sign a pepper giving me legal custody of the baby untill they are 18 . Please help asap. Thank you.
  • When I was 16 my dad found out about me having sexual relations with an 18 year old which was my boyfriend at that time. My dad forced me to take my ex boyfriend to court and tell the court that he raped me so now he has charges on him. I was wondering if there is anything I can change now that I am 18 maybe I can have those charges taken of???
  • Our lease states that a clothes washer and dryer are "furnished appliances." Knowing that they would be here is part of what made us decide to move here. We discussed it with our landlord before we moved in, and he said he would have take care of it. After two months, we still don't have a washer and dryer. When I brought it up to the landlord last week, he said he didn't remember the conversation, but if I wanted, he would buy a washer and dryer, and he would let us pay it off with our rent. I looked at the lease again, just to make sure I remembered correctly, and don't understand this.
  • I am my sisters gaurdian and She just graduated and from high school and she feels that she grown and doesn't want to put anymore strain on me. Which we had an agreement, saying once she graduated she can move out. So does she need any papers say she can make it on her own.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program