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  • Can my boss fire me for not sighing a contract and if he does can I collect unemployment
  • I fulfilled my lease and I am month to month. Do the same rules apply now that my lease is up?
  • The house we are leasing has a converted garage that we were told is used as an office for the LL and he occasionally stays overnight when necessary. Although there is no mention of sharing the property in the lease, there is a small statement that the LL will pay $60 toward monthly rent for electricity. Isnt he liable for a share of all the utilities?Also, much if his behavior feels intrusive. What rights do we have re: Quiet Enjoyment?
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  • When my son was born 12 years ago his father and I weren't married and I gave him my last name, this was in San diego. Then his father and i married in Virginia. I didn't change his name on his birth certificate but I did have it changed on his social security card to his father's last name. So since he was 2 he's had his fathers name. Since then we've divorced and I've remarried. But I wanted to finally change my son's last name on his b-certifn
  • Does a subpoena have to be signed by a judge to be legally binding and does it have to allow a certain number of days to appear or comply?
  • me and my husband we have a retricted order against my husbands exwife. She's not aloud to call us or to come near our bussiness or home due to the fact that she and her family used to call and call me names and threaten me when i was pregnant . She's aloud only to comunicate with my husband through email regarding their kids.Now she start calling my husband again calling me a stripper and telling to everybody thisplus other bad names,What can i
  • Want to relocate back east with my 15 1/2 year old daughter. How do I prove that it’s in the best interest and how do I start the process
  • the tenants have had their water turned off twice for non payment. 1st time wsa for 29 days,and the second was for9 days before I found out from the town. the first itime the remedy was pay the bill and get the water turned on. with the second I am going to evict them. I gave them a notice that it was their second time in six months that this has happened. I have to wait ten days before I give them a special detainer fo evection. does this the right way to do this.
  • I've lived at an extended stay motel for about 2 years. Last September my cooler went out and my landlord has been saying since then that he will get it fixed by the time hot weather is back. It's now almost 100 degrees here and it still isn't fixed. My landlord acts like he has no responsibility because it's a motel but I'm wondering what I can legally do to remedy this.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program