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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • We the grandparents have been involved in our 3 grandgirls lives for 12 years.our daughter has legal custody the father has not been for 10 1/2 of those he has parental rights but has not used them there have been some issues with my daughter and he filed for temp custody and decision making and will be filing for full custody 1 1/2 years ago he had the girls for 1 yr and we found out the stepmother was beating them with cords and belts now that he has temp custody is that enough to go to court and us try to get custody from them both
  • Can someone be served with court paper work while in court for another issue
  • Our 16 year old son became aggressive after a shopping outing and began beating up my wife taking her to the ground. We are wondering what legal options we have since the answer we are getting from all agencies is that we just have to deal with it and work it out ourselves. We are looking for help of any kind including juvenile detention or detainment in a health facility. I am afraid to leave the house if our son is there and afraid of what he might do in the middle of the night since he has uttered death threats.

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  • My roommate moved out ten days ago and left many of her belongings on the apartment. She told us verbally that we could have all the items she left behind then later changed her mind and said that she would give her friend two of the belongings. She threatened to send the police with her friend later on to pick them up. My question is if she has the right to send her friend to tale the belongings or if we have a right to take them since they were left in our apartment and she is no longer on the lease?
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  • I recieved a Civil Summons at my home. I want to payoff my debt, can I just contact the plaintiff or do I need to go thru the court? Is there any other alternet course of action for me?
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  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program