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  • How do I remove the biological father off my child's birth certificate? He is willing to remove himself.
  • My mom's 3rd husband is calling and demanding visitation. He abuses my mom and she worships him. Last time I heard from my mom she disowned me and my family for wanting to just see her.Her husband is now calling every couple days threatening and harrassing us. He says that he just paid $100,000 on a house so he should have no problem suing us for visitation. I am afraid he has an inappropriate interest in my daughter. They've only seen her 2x's in her life, btw & my mom never even held her. They are both drug addicts & now they have the money & time to come after us. Any advice would be great!
  • I am a student and my father and I own a house in Tempe. We are both on the Deed and hold title as Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship. I rented a room to a tenant and she and I were the only parties who signed the lease agreement. However, when she moved out, my father signed the move-out letter because she had secured a Restrainer Order against me (I had secured one against her too) so we were to have no contact of any kind with one another. She alleges that the Move Out Letter is invalid since my dad wrote it, signed it and emailed it to her oppose to myself. Is that true?
  • is there any way for me to file child support and not have to pay for it because i don't have the money to pay and if not how much will it cost for all the filing fee?
  • We turned in the emergency form ARS 33-1361 for our landlord to repair leaks and mold that is growing from these leaks. Once the 5 days are up and no repairs have been made, what are the steps to take afterwards?
  • Is there a way to find out if I'm filling out my Petition For Modification Of Legal Decision-Making and Parenting Time Form 23 paperwork correctly. My Girlfriend is trying to change custody agreement due to her ex-husbands drug use and issues with the police. He only calls when he wants something from her and its not to see his daughter. He gets high and calls in the middle of the night but never speaks. What can we do to keep him away from her, he can not be trusted by anyone including the police.
  • I need all the help I can get for my 2 year old daughter and myself being 4 months pregnant. Our home with all of our personal belongings burned to the ground on friday the 13th 2011 at night. It left us homeless and absolutely nothing left of ours.
  • I recently found a lot of black mold in a permanent cupboard that I've never used in my bathroom. What are the responsibilities of the landlord to eradicate this?
  • My ex husband has turned me my boyfriend for identity theft to the bank but he changed all my utilities to his name with different account numbers and someone has my information answer it look like I have done all this when it wasn't me he has my old account in his name but I didn't give him permission so who do I talk to who do I get to help us
  • I am a landlord and I have already given my tenant a notice to vacate my property in 30 days. I had also asked her for permission to enter the property so that I can show it to the prospective renters. I had sent a letter regarding this 7 days in advance. To this her reply was that no matter what I cannot enter my own property. What are my options?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program