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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • Set my 16 year old go to California last month for a week with some friends and they were only supposed to have her for a week they have kept her this whole entire time refuse to give her back to me and refused to put her in school what can I do the sheriff's department is not helping you tell me there's nothing that they can do I don't know what to do I'm so scared and stressed please help me
  • I need help with HOA violations that I am being fined $25 a day which I think is unreasonable. No others have been cited for similar problems for 30 years. Nothing has changed on my property for the 4 years I have lived here and only now has a complaint been filed against me. I cannot afford this claim and will more than likely lose my home if it cannot be paid. I need some free legal representation to resolve these issues ASAP since I am on SSA and retired and disabled.
  • My job offer was rescinded after the offer.Reason given was that I was over qualified & would eventually "get an attitude" and have resentment. I was told by the recruiter that I was the only person he interviewed for the position, and the day of my second interview he said "don't blow it" do a good job.I met w/5 other people that day.The whole process took 30 days from start to finish. Recruiter was really complementary of my exp.I am absolutely upset by this behavior.I was offered the job,told to sleep on it & then rescinded when i called to accept. I have been out of work since June.
  • I moved into an apartment 4 years ago with carpet flooring. I have always been allergic to carpet. Now I want the complex to change the carpet to vinyl flooring planks. Are they required do to ADA and pay for it? They say if I want new flooring, I must pay for it.
  • How long does the Landlord/Property Owner have to secure personal property accidentally left by the Renter at the time of moving out.
  • my daughter is 22 tried leaving her abusive boyfriend has 2 kids. when she was leaving he jummped on the car to prevent her from leaving and then called the cops and said she ran him over. she went to jail. and when she got out he will not give her the kids back said he is keeping them and she cant see them the cops will not hep her get them. said he is on the birth certific and they cant help.week prior he beat her up but fled the scene how can we get her kids back he will not let her see them? please help i want to see my grandkids!
  • I am legally divorced, I was a stay at home mom. I have just started working pt, but do not have enough money to get a lawyer. Will his income be counted as mine, even though I have no access to it. I'm wondering if I qualify for free legal assistance. We are not agreeing on custody.
  • If my parents die in Phoenix, AZ and want to be cremated and have me take their ashes to OR to be buried, what is the proceedure I need to make?
  • My mom's 3rd husband is calling and demanding visitation. He abuses my mom and she worships him. Last time I heard from my mom she disowned me and my family for wanting to just see her.Her husband is now calling every couple days threatening and harrassing us. He says that he just paid $100,000 on a house so he should have no problem suing us for visitation. I am afraid he has an inappropriate interest in my daughter. They've only seen her 2x's in her life, btw & my mom never even held her. They are both drug addicts & now they have the money & time to come after us. Any advice would be great!
  • My husband was evicted from our home last year when I filed a protective order. After he was gone, I found out he had not been paying the mortgage. I am trying to get the mortgage modified based on my income alone. I need a Quit Claim Deed but he refuses to speak to me. Can I file abandonment to get the court's help with this as part of the divorce?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program