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  • How many sq feet per tenant?
  • My daughter was born in las vegas her biological father has not had any contact since she was 1. My boyfriend has been raising her since she was 18 months old. can he adopt her ? her birth certificate has none of her biological fathers information , she how ever has mine and his last name. How would we go about having him adopt her and her receiving his last name?
  • Our living will was updated for the state of California; should it be updated for Arizona since this is our primary residence?
  • My daughter is addicted to methap[hedomine and has temporaroly signed rights to me twice in the last 8 years ive had physical custody of my grandson. ive had him since age two hes now 10 and she wont give a notorized temp guardianship therefore i cant enroll him in wschool, cant obtain propper housing ,fiancial help ex... how do afford this im a widowed granmother with limited financial income but know that i provide much safer and loving atmospere than my daughter who basically abbandond my grandson what are my legal rights??? am I entiteled to help?? I want to retain custody of my Grandson .
  • I am on a month to month lease. On December 4th I gave notice to landlord that my last day in the property will be January 5th. They are stating I am violating the law and that my 30 day notice is not valid as I would have had to give it to then November 30th for December 31st move out date. Is this true?
  • Can an arrest for domestic violence be expunged that occured 1996 where the case was dropped. No physical violence ocurred and no injury ever happened.
  • I was a stay-at-home mom for the majority of my marriage. During that time I accrued some student loans. In our separation agreement we each agreed to pay half of that, and any other, debt. A lawyer I spoke with stated that I am eligible for alimony (we were married 9 years and I stayed home for 6 of them), but my spouse takes great exception to this. He believes that since I did not contribute, monetarily, I should not be entitled to alimony. What should my expectations be?
  • My landlord placed an immediate eviction notice on my door. Is it possible to immediately evicte someone without going to court?
  • My husband and I are separated and I need to know my rights about taking our 5 year old daughter out of state on vacation. He has a past felony and a history of domestic violence. He has been abusive towards me and that is why I left. He's never been abusive to our daughter. He is preventing me from seeing her most of the time and has forbid me from taking her out of state while I'm off work for the summer. I work at a high school and get the summer off. He doesn't work. I am the sole supporter in our family. Do I have the right to take her out of state temporarily?
  • I recently found a lot of black mold in a permanent cupboard that I've never used in my bathroom. What are the responsibilities of the landlord to eradicate this?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program