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  • We rented from a complex in Phoenix with a 13 month lease. We gave a 30 day notice and broke our lease after 6 months for my wife to take a job in PA. The lease states that we are responsible for the entire amount due UNTIL the apt is rented. That amounts to $11,000! It is now in collections, so I called to see if the apt. has been rented yet. I was not told if it has been, but the mgr. said it does not matter because we are still responsible for ALL of the rent, since we did not pay it all when we moved out. . Can they charge us for rent on an apt that is being rented? If so--RIDICULOUS
  • I’ve been married for over 3yrs but he’s been in and out of prison and cheated several times so we separated about 1 1/2 yrs ago. I started dating someone and got pregnant . When I had the baby I didn’t know it was illegal for the boyfriend to sign the birth certificate and not put my husbands name until a friend told me. So what do I do to fix it without getting in trouble? Like I said I had no idea as this was my first child.
  • i have a one year old son i am not married to the father as it turns out he is a mean drunk.i want to move back home to needles ,calif .. I am scared cause he tells me i cant leave with our son.CAN I LEAVE
  • Our apartment has a black mold problem because of a slow leak in the wall. When out landlords insurance adjustor came to see the damage he informed us that the landlord was required to test the mold to find out if it was toxic. When we asked our landlord about testing he said he didn't have to test it just clean it up. Which is true? We would like them to test it so we know what we have been living in.
  • Do I have the right to with hold rent for days I wake up with no heat? I remember having same issues last winter. The heat is included in the rent, but that doesn't give them the right to not maintain it properly. I'm sure they will "fix" it again, but it will only be temporary, and I will wake up cold again in a few weeks or so.
  • My children would like to stop seeing their biological father. Is this possible or at what age may they do so?
  • My partner and father of my 4 children passed away last friday. We are not married together as married for 18 yrs. Day before he passed he fell from very high up. They sent him to dr got shot sent back to work. Next evening he had heart attack and died. Paramedic said get autopsy think it was internal bleeding. We weren't married but for my children what rights do i have?
  • I own my townhouse . I live in a self governed CO-OP . We vote to elect our own board We have a Management Co that we employ and pay . We have a new President on our board . I've lived here 9 yrs . This individual has lived here 2yrs . He wants to inspect every ones Home once a year now . This has never been done before and isn't in our bylaws . Is this legal ? I don't want him in my home . Can he just make up new rules without a vote from the other owners ?
  • Can a landlord/Rental agent charge the tenant to complete AZ Form 201-Renter’s certificate of Properties Tax Paid. I rent through a Group, Inc. and was told that Inwould have to pay $50 for this form. I renew my lease on a yearly basis (this being my fourth year), and I just paid a $50 fee for their annual residency review. I found out about this form yesterday when having my taxes prepared by XXX. I never knew about it before, and XXXX has never offered it with each lease renewal.
  • We signed a new house on july 19th, and before we moved in, we hired a cleaning company trying to clean the entire house. The thing is when the cleaning company was cleaning, they found out a bunch of fleas inside of the house. We asked landlord see if he can refund the rent for the days before the entire house completly cleaned. Should be the landlord responsbility to take care of it before we move in? Can we ask for the refund the rent for the days we can't live inside of the house?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program