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  • Purchased 2 timeshares in late 90's, which worked well for family at the time and both are paid off in full and current with fees. Life changes, health changes, it no longer works. Have researched to find possible resolution to cancel/terminate contract and have found nothing but SCAMS! Granted, it wasn't the brightest idea to purchase but let's claim it a "lesson learned". I now am trying to educate myself on the law and it's been pretty difficult finding answers and people I can trust or those who do "timeshares". Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  • what are the most command guild lines for someone to get their record set a side? do people have to have all fines paid off to do it?
  • Why does one have to make a newspaper publication when filing for divorce?
  • I worked for an AC company and during that time of my employment my AC needed service. They fixed it at a discount price and we agreed that I would make weekly payment until the balance is paid. Well I was terminated before being able to pay off the balance. My question is can they withhold that from my final paycheck? Also they're charging me for a price book that I dont have and some uniforms that were missing but I turned in whatever uniforms I had. Can they withhold that as well?
  • I signed a lease before property management would show me the apartment. I have not moved in and I am very unhappy with the apartment can I legally break lease. I never was given a copy of my lease agreement either.
  • My question is: Sept 2003 I got married in San Jose, CA. I moved to Phoenix, AZ the same year in July, We had a daughter May 2004, So what Law would my divorce be under? My husband had a house several year before we got married, and till this day Im not on the title of the house or the Cars we purchased during our marriage, Am I intitled to half of anything if I divorce?? I never changed my last name to my married name can that be an issue??
  • My son has been taken over state lines without my permission. He was sent by his mother to his grandmother's I think. We were never married and there is no court ordered custody. How do I start the process of getting him back into Arizona and getting custody of him?
  • New owner. She is trying to make the tenants sign a new lease. There are new rules about the size of animals and the use of recreational marijuana even with a medical card. What are the tenants rights. And can they refuse to sign the new lease? I'm pretty sire animals that are there are grandfathered in. I'm not sure about what the mobile home owners cn do about the rest. The tena ts are talkimg not signing new leases. Please help.
  • My landlord wants to prorate my end of lease for an additional 3 days. I turned in my 60 notice well before my 60 days was even near. I sent numerous emails regarding my 60 day notice and never heard any response and she is claiming she never received them even though I sent her proof of every email I sent her. I have been courteous and have paid the rent every month and have never been late. What are my rights as a tenant to to make sure I'm not overcharged on the proration?
  • Moved into renovated home was to be done by 6/18 (day moved in). Upon arrival; 2 baseball size holes in 2 windows & piles of trash under carport. Due to incorrect measurements windows would be another week. Week1 dryer vent had to be re-cut, electrician rewired house due to fire hazard. Week2 plumbing unable to do laundry 2weeks now, family has to share 1 bathroom, windows not replaced. Week3 windows replaced 7/1–7/6, plumbing on hold to find better price (laundry?), & still sharing bathroom. Was given 1 months free rent but asking us to pay full electricity bill. What are her obligations?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program