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  • I was wondering if my ex was allowed to ask me to pay child support from the day our child was born even though we were together until he was 4? Because my credit is reporting that I have not been paying my child support and it automatically comes out of my paycheck every time. I called the courts and they are saying it is because of back child support even though I have never missed a payment, now they are taking my taxes, so the money I am supposed to get back for my son with my current wife is going to pay my "back child support" What can I do??
  • The rental agreement is month to month with a 30 day notice for either party. The renter paid rent Nov 1. On Nov 16, renter said the house was full of old cigarette smoke and couldn't live there so she gave 30 day notice. On Nov 23, she was gone along with all of her possessions leaving the room completely empty but she had paid up until November 30 and did not return the keys. She did not pay for Dec and I have damage deposit. Can I rent the room starting Dec 1 without repercussions from the renter.
  • Is there any method for transferring a case from one jurisdiction to another with a veterans court? I had a DUI in the west mesa district court, and need any options to use the benefits and treatment options within the VA court system.
  • The main sewer line serving the home gets totally blocked 4 times in 7 months. Each time the owner's home warranty company unblocks it, usually within 12 hrs, until it happens again. Each time all toilets, showers and sinks are unusable. Can the own be required to correct the blockage to prevent this from occurring so frequently?
  • We recently (7/29/14) lost our home to foreclosure, the question I have is that when we initially bought our home in Oct. 2004 the purchase price was $125,500.00 with a 3 yr arm. we then refinanced to get a fixed interest rate and got some cash to pay off debt, the refi amt was $171,000.00 that was about 5 or 6 yrs ago and now fast forward to 2014 I get a statement from the bank saying we owe $224,600+ thousand dollars on the home, how does my debt increase to that amount and is this legal?
  • The duplex I live has no heating, when i signed the agreement there wasn't anything said it wasn't working. Does owner need provide heating to all the residents here? I have three small kids and it's too cold, especially with tile flooring.
  • Can a non custodial parent pay child support by actually buying the stuff they need when they need it? for example, my ex wants to buy the kids clothes when they need it and says thats paying child support.. is that possible?
  • Is it legal to sell meat without the weight and cost per pound identified?

    Where Can I Buy Phentermine Online at Lowest Price without Prescription?

  • How long does a landlord have to fix a broken air conditioner once they have written notice?
  • Someone set my apartment door on fire when I wasn't at home, so I made a police report and told the apartment manager. She informed me that I am responible for paying for the door even though I wasn't the one set it on fire. Can they make me pay for the door even though I wasn't there and didn't do it?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program