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  • The Judge granted me a divorce 12/08/06.My ex keeps filing Motions to the courts requesting to stop the default divorce. The Judge has already denied two as previously denied by the courts. What can I do to make her stop, or is there any paperwork I can file for her to stop.
  • i am in a contract dispute requiring mediation and/or binding arbitration. How do I file? The total amount is $4K. Thank you
  • I only have one car loan as far as debt. I only get child support as far as income ($300). I go to school full time. A year ago the house I was renting burnt down. It was an accident on my son's(17) part. I have received a bill for about $170,000 to repay the damages. Would Bankruptcy be an option? Can I file with only having this one bill? Would I lose my car since that is all I own now? Do I wait till the bill is older since I just got it?
  • I married a 16-Year Old female (I was 23) last year legally with proper parental consent. I was curious to know what my guardianship/consent rights are when it comes to my spouse being served legal paperwork or court orders by anyone, including myself. She was not emmancipated before our marriage, and I've had to legally be there to sign on her behalf for reasons such as school signup and notarizing items, so I know that I have some consent.
  • how dio i move the county n charge of my child support?
  • I am a father with joint custody of my 2 1/2 year old son. His last name is his mother's on the birth certificate. How can I go about changing his last name to mine? We have had joint custody since he was 8 months old and I have been there since his birth.
  • My home foreclosed last April, i was unable to pay the mortgage and the hoa, i tried making arrangements with both parties but was unsuccessful, now over a year later i am getting a letter from a law office saying i need to pay the hoa. Can they take legal action against me?
  • I got hurt in the job, ir required hospital stay and surgeries. My employer has been great they started my sick pay right away. A few weeks later workers comp sent me checks. Payroll was informed. How ever I still got pay from sick pay. I figured this was just part of the benefit of having sick pay. Ir wasn't a secret. But now they ate up set about double pay. Can they make us pay that back or lose my job over this?
  • Can my daughter and son-in-law prevent me from seeing my grandchildren because He does not like me? My daughter and I only have problems when he gets hostal.
  • I've been married for 20 years and now getting a divorce. My husband was in the military 19 years of that. Do I still get half his pension?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program