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  • I was suppose to receive 25,000$ when I turned 18. Well when I turned 18 and tried to see if the money was in my bank account they had told me it was all spent. How would the bank let my parents withdraw my money? I'm the one who sufferd from my car crash, is it against the law for the bank to let my parents withdraw all of that money? Because I never seen a dime.
  • We have lived in a rental since 2009. Two years ago, the house was sold to a new owner and now we have a property management company that we talk to. (Prior was family friend owner). There is a large Tree in the back yard, over 30 ft tall, that has been maintained by the previous owner personally and by some people the property management sent over three different times since taking over the property. Due to a recent storm, the tree has broken branches 20 + feet in the air. The property management company was notified and have told me its my responsibilty. Is this true or not?
  • My husband had what was deemed by a Dr. at Mayo as necessary surgery in 2008. All insurance info was provided and they knew he was Medicare. No one said a word about the possibility of no coverage. Now, 3 yrs. later, medicare has said they won't pay the claim and Mayo has said we owe $10,000 which would be impossible to pay since we are on SS and pension. Had we been told that at the outset, we would not have proceeded with the surgery. Wasn't it Mayo's responsibilty at the time to check out if they would get paid? How do we get this debt dismissed?
  • i am 17 years and 2 months. Can I choose to live with my brother instead my mother
  • My husband & I moved to AZ from MI 3 yrs ago.We have had custody of his son since 2006. We we granted a chnge in domicile in 2008. Can we file for a change in jurisdiction? His parenting time is one week for spring break,one week for christmas and 6 weeks during summer.If we can file for change in jurisdiction, do we file in AZ or MI?
  • 3/31 Lease on rental home ended. 3/18 Move-out inspection done with owner. No finding except 3 bulbs needed. Owner stated he would mail check next week. 3/20 Rec'd signed inspection list for 3 bulbs. 3/20 Utilities shut off. 3/22 Rec'd email from owner stating I was obligated to keep utilities on until 3/31. And that he was going to do work on the house. He suggested I give him an amount to deduct for utilities till 3/31. And if not I can refute deductions upon receipt of deposit. Need direction in the event I pursue legal action.
  • We recently (7/29/14) lost our home to foreclosure, the question I have is that when we initially bought our home in Oct. 2004 the purchase price was $125,500.00 with a 3 yr arm. we then refinanced to get a fixed interest rate and got some cash to pay off debt, the refi amt was $171,000.00 that was about 5 or 6 yrs ago and now fast forward to 2014 I get a statement from the bank saying we owe $224,600+ thousand dollars on the home, how does my debt increase to that amount and is this legal?
  • x boyfriend and i have a 17 year old son, the father got involved in his life at age 12, last year i agreed to joint custody, because he would be put in a better, our son attened school for approx 2 months his dad felt he was not applying him self so he took him out of school. making my son a drop out, he wants to be in school badly, on top of this our son did something he disagreed with and his father kicked him out of the house, he is so depressed. he's unable to live with with me do to an abusive situation im trying to get away from. is it legal for him to put our son out like that?
  • My sister has been deemed terminal. She has 4 young children. She probably has a couple months to live and is stressing because her oldest daughters don't want to live with their dad but they currently have joint custody arrangements. Her daughters are 14 and 11 and their dad has another custody case that he just recently lost along with having a CPS investigation opened due to abuse from him to child. These girls were also in the car when he was arrested for DUI. Where do we need to start to be able to obtain sole immediate custody for these girls? we need some thing quick..
  • how long may I have a guest stay with me




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program