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  • A judgment has been issued on me for an unpaid credit card balance of $1320.00. Can the lawyers handling this force the sale of my possessions. I live solely on Widow's Pension of $1040 per month.
  • The AC went out in our rental, today. We had it serviced two weeks ago and there was nothing wrong with it then. We put in a service order as soon as our renters called but they can not get our to fix it until tomorrow. The renters went to a hotel and our expecting us to pay for it. Are we responsible for paying for their hotel room?
  • I’m 6 months pregnant me and the father are not married and don’t even talk. We were not even together when I got pregnant. He’s not there and he’s not fit to be a father how can I get sole custody when my baby is born? Can I leave his name out of the birth certificate or will he still be able to have rights once my baby is born? He doesn’t know my due date and won’t be there for when I give birth so he will not be signing the birth certificate. Is there any way I can assure he can’t come and try to take my baby? How can I file for sole custody? Would he need to sign over his rights?
  • I moved into an apartment complex nearly 6 months ago. 2 months ago they announced they will no longer accept payments at the office and the only choice is to use their online app or pay cash at a local Walmart. This was not in the lease when i signed it. The amount due is already pre applied on the app. 2 months of payments are submitted, no record on my account 2-4 days after the 1st. 3rd payment due, is less and unable to 'edit' for correction. I took screen shots of the process and says paid. No payment due for 27 days. I emailed the office about it.can they charge me fees for the error
  • We were just informed by the landlord's property manager a week ago that the landlord is placing the house we rent up for sale but our lease will still be honored. We are into our lease now 5 months. The lease does not expire until Feb. 28,2020. We have requested from the property manager that we would like to terminate our lease and commit to a month to month status with the understanding that we as well as the landlord can provide a 30 day notice to vacate. We have found a home we wish to purchase and do not to be held to commitment now that they are selling the house. Please advise. CW
  • My landlord is requiring beginning August 1st every tenant to take an unnecessary utility called RegalWaste and upon renewal to pay $15 a month for this service, even though regular trash will continue and charged for in the utility bill. RegalWaste includes storing their bins in your bins until pickup time from in front of your door and then bringing it back into your apt. till the next day. Is this legal and what if I say no.
  • Is a verbal contract legally binding in Arizona?
  • I am a Registered Nurse and have worked continuously as a RN in the Phoenix area for 37 years. This year a requirement for proof of citizenship is required. I have my Certified birth Certificate but it is not acceptable by the State Board of Nursing because my first and middle names are reversed from what the Arizona State Board of Nursing have on file. The only documentation I received to verify the change was my social security card. I am a Medicare Benificiary and I receive Social Security Benefits. I have been researching the accepted lists for proof of citizenship and find that Arizona states if you have been accepted into the Medicare program no other proof of citizenship is required. I have been a Medicare Benificiary since I was 65, a total of 6 years. However, the Arizona State Board of Nursing lists do not include enrollment in Medicare as proof of Citizenship. What can I do to prove I am a United States Citizen?
  • how long does it take to get a annulment in az
  • My husband was incarcerated for 15 years. my daughter is now 19, he is in massachusetts, I reside in Arizona with our daughter. He is now on disability, but doesn;t send us money. I want to go after him for back child support as I have health issues too and still supporting our daughter alone. Do I have rights and will someone help me?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program