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  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

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  • So I asked to help rent out some homes which I did come to find out they have been foreclosed on and one lady cause she only seen me want and filed charges for theft how can I fight this
  • I filed a small claims complaint against a former roommate of mine when after I decided to leave he only gave me some of my personal belongings back and kept other items that he knew were important to me. I won the case and received a judgment for the amount that I requested. However, in the complaint two of the items I did not place a dollar amount next to because I knew he was still in possession of them (two portraits drawn by my brother that are very dear to me) and I wanted them returned. He had indicated in his Answer that he was in fact in possession of those items but wanted to be reimbursed for framing them. The hearing officer indicated we would need to take up the matter in a different forum due to the fact that they were personal property that I wanted to have returned. After the judgment was ordered I prepared a letter to the defendant and requested that he return the portraits to me and deduct the cost of framing from the judgment and I would then give him a satisfaction of judgment and we would be finished with this matter. About two weeks later I received a check for the amount of the judgment and a letter stating that he no longer was in possession of the artwork (he did not state what in fact became of my portraits). I decided to have the artwork appraised as I had photographs of the artwork as well as other drawings my brother had done. I then prepared a demand letter, again in an effort to resolve the matter without going to court. He did not respond in the time in which I had requested - (20) days. My question is do I have the right to file a Complaint for Conversion of Personal Property requesting to be compensated for damages (the price for the artwork as well as punitive damages and costs incurred)? And, if so, can I still file in small claims court as long as the amount I am seeking does not exceed $2,500 exclusive of court costs?
  • I signed a lease that was marked that we would be provided with a washer and dryer. We move in and there is no washer and dryer available. Landlords said washer and dryer are convenience only. All they are doing is apologizing for it but not providing a washer and dryer. It’s marked on the lease! Can they do that?
  • I prepaid for a 1 year spot at an RV park. I am about 5 months into the agreement. I have not asked the landlord yet; but, do I have any recourse to get a refund? Mitigating circumstances, Covid-19 closed many of the amenities that caused me to go here, and I am moderately concerned about getting laid off because of Covid-19.
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  • Can my children's father get a restraining order against me keeping me from my children after he lost all parental rights in court after he failed to comply with dcfs the state gave me custody and terminated his but I allowed him back in their lives now he says he has a restraining order is that possible?
  • Can a bank foreclose on a house if multiple people are on the deed, but only one person is on the mortgage
  • I am working on a dispute with a home warranty company. I am trying to find where it states what is considered too hot in a home for it to be deemed an emergency?
  • If I was being charged by landlord for pet without it being listed in my contract are they supposed to reimburse the money that was charged? This was going on almost a year-and-a-half, until I went directly to the management can I have the fees taken off.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program