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  • This is a plea for my best friend. She is desperate need of legal help. She has shared custody of her 7 year old daughter with the father of the daughter and his wife. Her ex and his wife have harassed her, have bullied her by coming to her work and causing a scene, that resulted in the police getting called. They have given consent for the daughter to have surgery without the consent of my friend (the girls mom) or even telling her that she was going to have surgery. My friend found out after the surgery was done and the girls face was swollen and purple.
  • I am a Tenant At Will and the manager of the ***** is trying to evict me and will not accept my payment. I live at unit 12. I had to move from 5 because the sewer backed up, I was undergoing cancer treatment at the time and could not stay there. It never was fixed. Then management offered me unit 15 so I moved. The bathtub was not properly finished, so they offered me unit 12. We have had bedbugs, which they failed to treat properly. Then they called an exterminator. This apartment also has an rat or squirrel living in the walls and it sounds like a race track in here! Help.
  • Our landlord informed us this morning that her realtor lost his license and asked that my husband put in writing that we'll move out asap. She seems a little off and the whole process to get into this home was janky to begin with, it wasn't done properly to say the least. But my question is does she have the right to kick us out before our lease is up? We're never late on rent and we have had 0 issues. Now we're forced into this mess because of the ''family friend'' she had hired as her realtor... is any of this legal?
  • I'm a Disabled Veteran, my husband is active army - we met on active duty 2008 & married 2012. Due to him physically and mentally abusing me, we seperated end 2014, had a separation agreement in place since we lived in NC. We toyed with reconciling during 2015 and 2016. Feb 2017, despite being in contact with each other, he filed for divorce in TX, filed a false affidavit that he couldn't find me, and had a default judgement granting divorce. He cleared out our 3600 sqft home in NC of all our joint & personal property and dropped my daughter from ins. How to make his wrongs, right?
  • I live in a apt complex and i am a section 8 tenant that pays zero rent and is required to pay only utilities.. therefore the apt complex charges the tenants a monthly water bill that is not included in the rent amt... is the mgr. here at apt complex allowed to charge a tentant late fees the same as in rental late fees .. for being late on paying t them for water bill ?? This is a new Mgr.. and previous Mgr. never charged me for being just one month late .. I dont even pay rent and he charged me over 800.00 for bill and fees Thanks to my son he came and saved me from being homeless.
  • I am 17 & 7 month. I have been living with my uncle, my mom was charging me $400 a month because I am pregnant (my son will be born in 2 months) and I haven't been living with her since June she gets food stamps and a social security check for me. She doesn't care where I live but she gets all the benefits and I know I'm going to need as much help as I can get the & only thing she cares about is the money. My uncle has helped me more than anyone I was wondering if I could get emancipated given my age and that I've already graduated high school
  • My ex relocated to AZ. I have never left CA. She is trying to get permission to modify our custody agreement in AZ, document says if one party lives in another state and never left AZ may not have power to change. Please inform me of where that rule is and how to cite it in a court document. Thank you
  • I’m getting a divorce with my only means of income 100% Va Disability, and Military Retirement. This is my 2nd marriage, all military service was completed prior to this marriage. My first former spouse already receives a portion of my military retirement. Can my military retirement or a portion of it be awarded to my 2nd former spouse?
  • can a landlord refuse to prorate if you have provided 30 day notice to vacate and were given permission to stay beyond lease just a few days or can they legally demand entire months rent (check already cleared) when they understand your intent to vacate premises within 5 days?
  • Can public housing ask for an increase of security deposit after 3yrs




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program