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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • My husband owes child support arrearage for his youngest daughter for the first 2 years of her life. He has had sole custoday of the child since year 2 and modified the child support to start receiving support. The mother has not paid her support in over a year and now has accumulated arrearages. What is the procedure to get the courts and/or DES to offset her arrearage balance and future support against my husband's arrearage balance? At this point in time this will cut my husbands arrearage in half.
  • how can i recover money, items such as gym equipment ,tax refunds and bank withdrawals illegally made by my common law wife, of 18 yrs, and her lover.i am a veteran and she left me penniless and homeless.she did our income taxes every year and she never needed my signature or approval .she emptied all accounts and had us fired for miss apropreation of funds.i live in san antonio,tx and she is in maricopa, az.
  • The mother of my 2 children left for 8 months and i took care of them got a restraining order but wasnt served because she was nowhere to be found...of she tries to take my kids what do i do
  • I have taken early soc sec retirement. When my wife retires in three years, will she receive her own sep soc sec income based on her working years?
  • My ex husband and I currently have joint custody of our 5 year old. We both don’t have any family here in AZ. I feel it’ll be best for our child to relocate with me back to my home state due to family being there to not only assist in raising but just to know them. I’m also currently in a long distance relationship and pregnant for a man that lives near my family. I’d have a better paying job if I relocated as well. What are my possibilities on being able to relocate our child with me to be with my side of the family(and closer to his side) and also with my soon to be new family?
  • Three roommates and I rent a home. Owner lives out of the country and when in town he enters without warning. Last time he stayed 3 months and pressured me into moving out of the master bedroom so he could use it. I pay my rent and it was a huge problem moving all my furniture and belongings downstairs to a tiny bedroom. He uses our wireless internet and pays nothing toward utilities. I live in constant fear he can return and disrupt our lives again. Can an owner enter with no warning and live in home.Can he force me to vacate master room again. He implied I would be given notice if I didn't.
  • My phone/internet provideris constantly charging me late fees. Im on a fixed income that I receive the 2nd Wed of every month and that is the day I write them a check. I try to explain this to them but they continue to charge me late fees. What is AZ law regarding these late fees? I'm 83 and a Korean war vet...I can't afford to continue to pay these fees
  • I let a person that wanted to buy my motorcycle test ride around the condo complex.. He wrecked it , doing 2,000 damage.. At first he wanted to pay for it now refuses to even pay my deductable .. can I fight this in small claims court without having to turn it into my insurance.. I do not want to take the hit for his damage to my property..
  • Concerning a Short Sale of Real Property; There are 3 liens. The 3rd lien is a voluntary one for the purchase of a home water purification system. In order to sell the property short, the Bank requires that the 3rd lien agree to be released. The lien holder is unreasonable. They ask for the original $4400 + Back Payments, Interest and Penalties which make the release amount about $10,000. Nothing less is acceptable. The Bank may allow 1 or 2 thousand dollars, no more. Can the 3rd lien be eliminated by an administrative action or through bankruptcy?
  • For over a year my roommates and I have had a reoccurring mice problem. We keep areas clean, take out the trash regularly, and have never caused any sort of damage to our property. Our rental property will only put down traps and do not make any major effort to eradicate the problem with mice. How can we get them to move forward in paying for extermination and an expert to identify where the mice are coming in?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program