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  • We're renting a home and have 9 months left in our 12 month lease. We just found out the property foreclosed and the home sold. We've been offered money to leave in 30 days. We are protected under the Protecting Tenants in Foreclosure Act, and can stay for the duration of our lease. We are willing to leave in 60-90 days, to give us time to find another rental. If the PTFA expires on 12/31/14 are we still protected on 1/1/15? Can they give us more time but then come back on Jan. 1st and evict us? Are we protected past the expiration of the act because we signed our lease before the foreclosure?
  • Can a landlord dictate where a child sleeps? Saying a child over 2 “needs” their own bedroom. Not only is this nickel and diming parents to pay the extra rent for more rooms it feels extremely discriminating and invasive of parental rights. Telling me where my child can and can’t sleep, basically not allowing bedsharing or trying to get families with kids to move elsewhere cause they can’t afford adding another bedroom to their budget.
  • My niece used her grandfather's SSN and DOB and baby's SSN and DOB to obtain loans from a payday loan place online. She did not repay the loans and they went to collections. The collection agency called her grandfather to collect. In order for the debt to be deleted from her grandfather, he had to file a police report. What is the possibility of my niece being charged with identity theft and or fraud? What would the possible sentence be?
  • A few years ago, my father went bankrupt and, because I could not bear to see him homeless, I did everything I could to find an affordable home and allow him to leave in the house with me. Throughout my life, my relationship with my father has not been good and I have put up with it because, well, he is my father. I hope you understand this. It has been 2 years and his verbal abuse and demands have not ceased, they have actually escalated. Would there be any action that can be taken to evict my father from the house?
  • If my low income apartment does not pass inspection do i have to pay rent?
  • My name is not on the lease and my ex-wife and I have lived there for fours years and now she is trying serve me with and eviction notice. I pay haif the rent and everything.
  • My daughter is not married and has a 5 month old baby. The father is already listed on the birth certificate and now wants to "sign away" any parental rights. Is it possible to just sign away all rights? Will he still have to provide child support if he signs away all the rights?
  • My husband was arrested after an arrangement we had we got kinda loud so the next door neighbor called the cops when they arrive my husband was already packed up and out the door he didnt put his hands on me but he did break the phone. I told the cops I didnt want him arrested. Why would they still take him and how can I get him out ASAP
  • I have friends whom I have know for 61yrs. We considered them as parents and they have called us their kids.They loaned us money for a down payment.At the time I was their POA .We advised them we didn't know when or if we would be able to pay then back.Dont worry about it..It is going to be yours.To make a long story short she broke her hip we cared for her and her husband for 3 months.Now they have turned on us and want their money.They have lawyer involved.What are my options?
  • So I asked to help rent out some homes which I did come to find out they have been foreclosed on and one lady cause she only seen me want and filed charges for theft how can I fight this




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program