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  • If you own a trailer in a mobile home park is it considered residential the owner is charging 21 cents a KWH for electric and says he can do it because it's not residential
  • I worked here for a short time,they paid my rent. was let go mid month, end of month received eviction letter stating I owed half month plus up coming month. this after I contacted their boss. Paper received cert.mail , is not signed nor does it have dates or amounts on it. Is this all legal? or is this a case of Retaliation? I am a Veteran awaiting my Disability,i only work 16-18hrs a week at Walmart, not nearly enough to pay asap and they know this.. They allowed my neighbor, 4 months behind, to make payments with no late fee's.. I not being allowed this or any other options..PLEASE HELP
  • I have grandparent visitation but the mother is not following them. The father (my son) is deceased. What can I do to make sure she follows them? Thank you.
  • I recently filed a Response to a Petition for Modification of Child Support. My hearing has been set for the end of February. Do I need to submit judge's working papers or supporting documentation for the judge to review prior to my hearing and if so, what is the document called that I would attach my exhibits to?
  • My Son fathered 2 children with a lady who was married to someone else at the time of birth.She listed her husband as the father on the birth certificate. She was killed in an accident recently and was still legally married at the time , but had been seperated from her husband and lived with my son for 5 years.Her husband and her had filled out & had notarized a from called voluntary paternity , but never listed my son as the father , he did aknowledge he was not the father.My son had dna test done and they do show he is the biological father.How does he get the name changed on the birth certficate.He has the children , that is not an issue , just want to make sure all is legal in the eyes of the courts/state.How do we proceed ?
  • Our lease states that a clothes washer and dryer are "furnished appliances." Knowing that they would be here is part of what made us decide to move here. We discussed it with our landlord before we moved in, and he said he would have take care of it. After two months, we still don't have a washer and dryer. When I brought it up to the landlord last week, he said he didn't remember the conversation, but if I wanted, he would buy a washer and dryer, and he would let us pay it off with our rent. I looked at the lease again, just to make sure I remembered correctly, and don't understand this.
  • In the event an annulment was granted does the the wife have the option to keep the husbands last name even if he requested she not keep it?
  • Me and my daughter live in show low az Her father lives in mississippi What do i need to do to get child support from her father She will soon be 15 Me and her father was married but come to find out it wasnt legal I have given him plenty of chances to help with her medical, dental, and optimoligist but he refused
  • I am 17 years old, currently 7 months away from being 18. My parents do not want me visiting my boyfriend who lives about 15 miles away from me on the weekends. I am determined to walk that distance every weekend and back, but never stay the night. My mother wants to forcibly keep me from going. I would never miss school if I did this. Can she call the police and make them drag me back to the house?
  • We moved into a home in Nov. 2014. With a 2 year lease. The owner recently told us he is selling the house but that whoever buys it will have to honor the duration of the lease. Is this true?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program