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  • Is there a program for an inmate at Dept of Corrections to file bankruptsy?
  • I have a 4 yr old child.The father and were never married. Fathers name is on the birth certificate. He has never paid child support. The father does keep the child for the week end for the last 2 yrs. I want to move to another state. Will there be a legal issue?
  • I've been married for 20 years and now getting a divorce. My husband was in the military 19 years of that. Do I still get half his pension?
  • I only have one car loan as far as debt. I only get child support as far as income ($300). I go to school full time. A year ago the house I was renting burnt down. It was an accident on my son's(17) part. I have received a bill for about $170,000 to repay the damages. Would Bankruptcy be an option? Can I file with only having this one bill? Would I lose my car since that is all I own now? Do I wait till the bill is older since I just got it?
  • Me and my ex have a custody agreement but yet on my legal days she will not allow me to have him. How can she do that, and what are my rights? I do not feel I should have to pay child support if I am not being given my court ordered time. I also was wondering who is responsible for travel payment, because she moved out of state and will not pay to fly him to me for my legal days, she says I need to either pay to fly him out here or I can drive to Northern Arizona to get him if I want him on my legal days, can she do that?
  • i live with my wife on her dads property since 2005 and we are going to divorce. We don't pay rent and she told me I have 10 days to get the fifth wheel trailor we've been staying in which is mine. Can she just kick me out, or how many days do I got to leave leagally?
  • Our downstairs neighbor has been complaining that our 5 year old is to noisy and she has complained to the landlord even though we have accommodated her every time she's complained she sends us text messages on a daily bases and has just sent one saying that the landlord is kicking us out and we have a surprise coming to us .can the landlord legally kick us out due to a 5 year old being a 5 year old
  • i dont get to see my grandson he is almost 3 and I've only seen him mabe 10 times what can i do to get visitation?
  • Can I get my money back for my lawyer. My divorce never went through since 2004. I believe my lawyer never pursued the issue & I am still married ..what can I do
  • If the father is on the birth certificate, do I have joint custody with him, or do I full custody? I've been taking care of our child for more than 6 months now. He also has charges for domestic violence. Nothing has been taken care of through court.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program