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  • I make double the income my children's mother make and my two children live with me more than 50 percent of the time. Is there any legal way to not pay their mother child support?
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  • The gas is in my landlord's name because it covers the whole building, and he is supposed to give us a monthly statement so we can pay our share. We have been here since January. It is March, and we have yet to receive a bill. I am afraid that he will wait until it is too much to pay at once. Does he have a time limit to get our monthly bill to us?
  • how do I file for squatters rights
  • Can I modify a joint custody order to a sole custody? The father is not complying with his obligations. He has sinced moved, and has little or no contact with the boys in months.
  • In accordance to the Late Fee Fairness Amendment Act of 2016, am I able to pay only the amount due for rent to my apartment's property owner and ignore the late fees until a later time? I have been advised that I cannot be evicted for nonpayment of late fees. My lease agreement states there is no grace period for late fees after the 1st of the month, but isn't that illegal in the state of Arizona? Isn't there supposed to be a 5 day grace period?
  • I am Renting a home the bank foreclosed on last week. Can I move out if I want to without breaking current lease?
  • hi I have question for you how much we have to make yearly to get food stamp and medicate
  • My son was born out of wedlock. At the time of birth paternity was established because we both signed the birth certificate. My son is now 8 and has had no contact with my ex boyfriend for at least 5 years who also currently incarcerated. Does he still have paternal rights? Would now be a good time to file for sole custody?
  • My husband and I have been married for 19 years. Common Law for 4 years and 14 years Legally Married (State of NM). We have been separated for 3 months, if I decided to divorce my husband my reason is "Adultery". We have a State Marriage Licence and we married in Navajo Nation Court. Do I file with the State of New Mexico or Navajo Nation. We have 2 children therefore child support will be filed. And can I charge my husband and his companion with "Adultery"?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program