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  • what are the eligibility income requirements and how can I obtain an application?
  • With a legal guradianship of a minor the age of 16, who performs the home evaluation prior to the final court hearing?
  • My girlfriend is pregnant with my child and due in August of this year. Unfortunately she moved out and is no longer speaking to me.I do not know her due date or if she even intends to put my name on the birth certificate at this point. I would like to file a action with the courts to establish paternity before the baby is born.I want to exercise any and all rights I have as father. How do I begin this process and can I get any assistance in doing so. I can not afford a attorney.
  • I want to move out of state my 14 year old daughter is now living with her father how do I sign over guardianship to him I don't want to give up my rights I just want him able to make legal decisions because we have joint custody and I'm the primary patent
  • My landlord is refusing to accept my rent payment. Her "agents" (son and Daughter in Law) have given me until the end of the month to move by verbal notice and are indicating they intend to "lock me out" on th 1st of March. They have altered the rental agreement but not in writing. What remedy might I have should I come home to find the locks changed? I have reviewed the LTA and do not see anything regarding refusing to accept the rent payment. I am aware that written notice to vacate must be given. I am not refusing or unable to pay the rent as required.
  • My ex husband's new wife has made a threat-" that if I ever go to Sierra Vista, she will have her first husbands , friends fron the pen, have me "taken care of"". Her first husband was a drug dealer who was murdered, so this is not something I take lightly. And my daughter hasnt seen her dad for over 2 years, because this woman was verbally abusive to her. She is also a convicted felon. Is this a felony crime? And can I be protected from her, or her thug lifestyle friends? I live in Tucson.
  • What is "Fair wear and tear" and how much can a landlord withhold from your refundable security deposit if there were no damages other than "Fair wear tear" or cleaning
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  • When my girl friend was pregnet I went to prison for seven years during which time another mans name was put on the birth certificate and they are no longer together me and her back together but he's trying to get custody of my kid what do I do?
  • our daughter is 25 yrs of age, she's permanently disabled, the dept of DDD has asked us if we are legal guardians for her, we have a conservative ship superior court order from the state of California, but we have been told that is not recognized in Arizona, so we have elected to file for a guardianship of her in this state since we reside here permanently. I'm permanently disabled as well and on fixed income which means I can't afford legal fees anymore. We need help filing our documents with the courts with all the necessary paper work the first time minimizing travel for health reasons




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program