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  • In Arizona they impound your vehicle if you get pulled over and are driving on a suspended license. Does the officer have to wait for the tow company to be present before doing a tow list? I did not give consent to search.
  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

    Where to get Ativan without prescription?

  • We have a covenant marriage there has been abuse on both sides I've wanted a divorce he refuses to give me one. I cannot find any forms to fill out can someone help me with a template or some kind of help please I can't live like this anymore I hate that he lies all the time I hate him I just want a divorce
  • In the city of Phoenix Arizona they are allowed to charge a 2% tax fee on rent. My apartment complex charges 2.3% on every single charge on the bill. My rent is $757 and I pay $17.41 for taxes just on my rent alone. My mailbox is on site but I have to drive 20 minutes and pay $40 to pick up my mailbox key! Even though it's onsite. It's not a P.O Box. They also charge a $21 fee to pay my rent online but they refuse to let us pay any other way than online. When asked if the 2.3% tax is included in property tax the employee agreed it was. Is this legal to keep charging all these fees w/ high tax?
  • Does a landlord have to pay for sewer?
  • How do I file a contempt of court because husband is not paying temporary spousal maint. plus he's changed titles on vehicles and property/house?
  • my ex- girlfriend passed away I am the biological father but her new boyfriend sign the birth certificate as the father, I want to get custody of my child now that the mom is deceased, what are my legal rights
  • Is there a max that a landlord can charge for a lease up fee before move in?
  • What can I do about the Guardian & Conservator, my sister, of the family trust who sued me to prevent my visiting my mother? She falsely accused me of being a threat to my mother. I have spent all of my savings, sold my car, sold personal possessions like furniture, jewelry and tightened my belt as much as possible to stay afloat. Jackie (the sister, guardian & conservator already mentioned) lies to the court continuously about, for example the assets in the trust and slandering and libeling me. In effect, I am paying for her to sue me.
  • my ex lives in prescott AZ and I in VA. He continues to tell the kids that I am a psychopath, I have stolen from him that I cheated on him that I gave prescription meds that were not mine to myself and to my kids that I neglected them when this is all false he tells them if they come to visit me i am incapable of taking care of them and that my father will molest them i havent seen my kids in a long time because he will not make the kids come and kids are now to afraid what steps can i take at this time and how do i protect myself as i dont know what he would do if i fly out and visit




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program