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  • I have 50% legal custody and 15% physical custody of my son. Can my ex-wife take him out of his current school and move him to different school with out my permission?
  • My Landlord has started Eviction proceedings and has become quite vicious about the whole issue. I do not dispute the fact that I am late with the rent. (Serious Medical Issues arose) and have been attempting to make arrangements for the arrears and current amounts due. He is refusing to discuss that option. He is now adding that I am a problem to the other neighbors, in addition huge maintenance list he has told me has cost the landlord undue stress and hardship. I have over 100 pictures available to show the condition upon move in and he refuses to see them as well. Opinions? Regards, KFP
  • My ex-husband and myself have joint legal custody of our 14yr old daughter. Our divorce was final in 2007, I am now remarried and my current husband has a new job out of state and my daughter has expressed wanting to live with us during the school year and her father during all holiday and summer breaks. I'm fine with this arrangment, her father is not. At what age in AZ is a childs wishes taken into consideration? Thank you
  • The military wants proof that do not have sole cutody of my son and that my girlfriend has not filled for child support. How do get proof?
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  • Although I have guardianship of my young nephew and my wife and I have established ourselves as loco parents. My sister now is in custody of him. (she established herself as a stable loving capable mother) However she has moved in a boyfriend who has established himself as "Daddy" and is now refusing to allow my wife, me nor his maternal grandmother to visit with us. Do I have any enforcible visitation rights as his guardian?
  • I have lost my mother on November 2018. I understand I need to file taxes for her. My accountant says I need to get her (deceased person’s) representation to file her last taxes. What forms I have to fill? Where do I apply to get the representation? Where can I get some help regarding this process?
  • My wife and I are currently going through a divorce. She opened a separate checking account before I filed but transferred her check to her new account afterwards and didn’t inform me about it until payday because we both get paid the same week. I need to know if she’s in violation of a court order because it was my understanding that you cannot hide funds, get loans etc. until the divorce is final??
  • My son's dad and I are not together and we're never married. My son's dad does like who I am currently eating and is claiming to take my son away from me. I haven't seen my son now in a week and can't get ahold of him in anyway as he's blocked me from everything. I need my son back and he needs to be with me and I want to go about this in a civil and legal manner I just need to know what steps I need to take or to know that he can't just take him away.
  • I work at home and currently have Joint 50/50 decision-making and parenting time. If I continue to exercise my first right of refusal while the other party is working would that be helpful when going back to court post-decree to help get more time with the children?

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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program