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  • The company I worked for is a "Special District" with less than 15 employees. I was recently fired and believe I can show racial discrimination. Are there laws that protect me even though the company is small?
  • My husband is in the army and is stationed in S. Korea until March of 2012. We have a 3 year old daughter who lives with me. My husband informed me that he wants a divorce. He's going to see if he can get one started on the base where he's stationed. Can he do that? Also, should I file for legal separation now, or do I need to wait until he's back. He's very irresponsible with money and I'm afraid he will incur more debt before we're divorced.
  • In our lease it states that we must perfrom regular maintenance to the outside. We live in an HOA, and have complied with all request, and kept the property in good condition. We are about to move out, and suddenly the landlord is saying that we must perform landscaping on trees, and bushes that were neglected for years. We have kept everything well trimmed, but there are areas that there is at least 10 years of old growth (cactus, and palm trees). How much am I on the hook for with respect to pre-existing landscape conditions.
  • Does one have to vacate premises immediately when served papers by sheriff. Rent has never been late. Got caught smoking in nonsmoking apartmrnt
  • My landlord agreed to accept my late payment however when I notified him my air conditioner wasn't working he refused to fix and demanded I pay additional late fees if I wanted it fixed then I had a week or so to move. I haven't paid the rent due to my fear of being evicted after paying leaving me w nothing. My roof has a hole in it repaired 4 times that leaks w black mold. He's aware of all w pics and messages stating he won't fix air until he's paid. Can he do that?
  • I have a 5 month old son, the dad hasn't help out financially at all, there is an ongoing case in court for custody and child support. Will I be entitled for back child support for the past few months he hasn't paid for anything?
  • I am getting a divorce. How long must I be in Arizona before I am considered a resident?
  • Paternity and support. I have been summons that says that I have been named the father of a child. It says that I am hevy summoned and required to appear and defend in the abouve entitled action, in superior court within twenty days to respond. I went to the required class that they talk about but, I have no idea what to do from here?
  • I work at home and currently have Joint 50/50 decision-making and parenting time. If I continue to exercise my first right of refusal while the other party is working would that be helpful when going back to court post-decree to help get more time with the children?

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  • My sister in law is pregnant and not married. She does not wish to be with the babies father and will be doing a paternity test when the baby is born. If the test comes back that he is the parent, does she have to make the babies last name the same as his in order to get child support? If he signs his parental rights away, does he still have to pay child support?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program