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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • The rental agreement is month to month with a 30 day notice for either party. The renter paid rent Nov 1. On Nov 16, renter said the house was full of old cigarette smoke and couldn't live there so she gave 30 day notice. On Nov 23, she was gone along with all of her possessions leaving the room completely empty but she had paid up until November 30 and did not return the keys. She did not pay for Dec and I have damage deposit. Can I rent the room starting Dec 1 without repercussions from the renter.
  • i need to know if it is legal for my husband to keep my kids away from me. were in the middle of a divorce and there is no custody order what can i do?
  • I purchased an existing home on apprx 1.6 acres in 2011 and have continuously lived in it. The area was subdivided and platted in 1958, homes range from 50s until current. An adjacent undeveloped lot is under contract & a survey disclosed that the corner of my 1973 house and part of driveway encroach on the adjacent property 10'. Side setback. Am I or can I be forced to pay for replatting and to agree to a land swap, or am I granted any rights since the owners of the lot when I purchased home never contacted me within 3y after I purchased? What options do I have legally have?
  • How do I serve my wife with divorce papers.
  • My X & I have a child together.. when we parted 8 yrs ago he had been diagnosed as bipolar ADHD depression and anxiety disorder.. I have had sole custody & have tried to help him with visits.. our child was 2.. FIRST he wouldn't even clean up around his house having guns swords medical marijuana tools all laying around and just filth.. he started to get better & we started working on visitation and then again became abusive so I stopped them.. gone back & forth like this.. puts the child in danger, self medicates, DUI, physically financially verbally threatening, I need help
  • what is a pretrial conference hearing
  • I work in outside sales. For a number of years my employer has deducted shipping costs from my commission for all accounts outside the metro area. Recently they have begun deducting the % of $ credit charges cost from my commission as well. They deduct this before my paycheck is cut. For example they show me a spreadsheet with my compensation as $7000.00 -500 shipping -500 cc fees (and sometimes other deductions) = $6000.00 since these fees are deducted can i write them off on taxes and is this even legal?
  • My daughter was raised by her deceased father for her 10 years he died and now the family has disowned her.they were involved until he died.there is a possibility that he is not the father but he didn't ever acknowledge that isn't there a law that allows him to be known as her father and her the aires to estate .she knows no diffrent
  • My daughter works and goes to school to support her family, husband and two children. Her husband (he lost his job) agreed to stay home with the kids while She finishes school (7 more months). Now he says he can get sole custody if they separate because he has been the primary care giver for the last year. Is this true?
  • Can my landlord evict me for any reason at all?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program