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  • My granddaughter currently lives with her maternal grandfather (he has guardianship of her) The biological parents are NOT involved. Both have had drug addiction problems. When my son, granddaughters father, moved back home the guardian would not allow me to see my granddaughter. I was taking her every weekend for several months until I got a job over nights and every other weekend. Then I took her on my weekends off for over a yr. Shes always been part of my life. I believeI I contribute to her happiness and well-being. How do I get visitation rights?
  • I work in the construction industry as a foreman and have to stop by the office most mornings and afternoons to look at project packets, file time cards, and gather necessary tools for the jobsite. The company does not compensate me for this time at all. Is this illegal? Who do I report it to? In addition, I was recently fired for complaining about this as well as many other safety issues.
  • I have a first time court appearance for child support . What should I expect and do I need a lawyer to appear with me?
  • if i lost my gun rights (due to going to prison) but waited 12 years after getting out and started buying guns , and then got charged with misconduct with weapons. Because i did not know i had to file something, but after my arrest i have filed and got my civil and gun rights back, but am facing a class 4 felony and 4.5 years in prison. Is this beatable in trial due to to the fact i have my rights back now, after my new arrest though. Please help ASAP
  • I live in a 55+ park, manager says he has a right to come in my back yard anytime he pleases. My bedroom faces backyard, I don't feel very comfortable with this. Can he legally do this without prior notification?
  • What is the landlords responsibility when black mold is found in their property and is causing the tenants to get sick?
  • Do I need a sole custody order for my son if he lives with me, I take care of him, his "sperm donor" has never really been there, has verbally acknowledged that he's his but wants a Dna test for peace of mind (I don't want a dna test cuz it's against my religious beliefs), he has no father listed on the birth certificate, do I still need an order? Can he take my son away from me even tho he can't take care of him?
  • My granddaughters are 13, 12, and 10. Their father is a truck driver and has called them insisting that he is coming to get them for the summer. They have told him they do not want to go with him. He said they have to. Can these girls be forced to go with him? He has no residence, he lives in his truck, eatting and bathing in truck stops. He calls only now and then, sometimes not for six to eight months depending if his current "woman trucking companion" will allow it. Right now he is between women, his last one facing jail time for Shop Lifting. The girls can not afford a lawyer. thanks
  • I need to take medicine 3 times while at work, can they tell me i can't go to my car to take it
  • We just moved in a month ago to our first apt and we have a pitbull and boxer mix and we disclosed that info on day one. The lady we talked to the first day said it wouldnt be a problem and the just put in boxer for the breed. Fastforward to a day ago we get a notice saying that there was a complaint that we had a pitbull and they are not allowed at my apt complex. I went to the office sayong there was clearly a mistake but no she gave me a ten day notice to get rid of my dog or give 30 days notice of us wanting to move out. I read over the lease agreement and the pet addendum and there is nothing about breed restrictions or pitbulls. Who is in the wrong and where do I stand legally?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program