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  • I never signed a lease when I moved in to my current home in Scottsdale. I did, however, give a 'last months' rent as a deposit. How much notice is required by law prior to move out, and am I able to recover the balance if I gave a notice on the 10th of the month, had already paid that month's rent in full, and would like to receive the full 'last month's rent deposit back?.
  • Can the landlord raise late fee without informing tenant?
  • One of my roommates (cotenants) moved out of our house. We still have 5 months of the lease left. The 2 of us left dont feel comfortable living with a stranger. The agreement we had originally was wed split the rent equally and all of the utilities. The roommate who left, still has possession of keys to house and her belongings there. What are my rights to get the rest of her rent paid?
  • I was divorced in 2009. I was awarded 3 years spousal support. Ex husband paid for 6 months, quit his job and left the state and has not paid any alimony in one year. I need help to file the right forms to collect this due alimony.
  • Landlord does not want to fix a broken mailbox. The post office will not deliver until it’s fixed. Who’s responsible to fix the broken mailbox.
  • I have been renting this house for the past 18 months. April 25th a man showed up at the door and said that he is the owner of the house and said that my family and I have 10 days to vacate the house. He had a piece of paper with some other name on it and a different address. He crossed out that name and address and put my name and address. He said that if I can be out in 10 days he would pay $300 for the rental truck. I called the landlord and she said that is the owner and yes he plans on fixing up the house and selling it. I don't know what to do. My daughter and her two special needs
  • I was handcuffed didn't go to jail. Now I got served 4 months later w/court papers saying I have to get fingerprint and 2 days later I have court. I request police report and was told they can't that I would have to contact state prosecutor because of ongoing investigation. Please help
  • My baby's father has been in contempt of court "at least" 2 times. This last time the judge told him, "If you haven't made some kind of payment before the review hearing in 2 will go to jail." Well he had not made any payments and the judge didn't do anything about it except give us another review hearing in 2 months. I don't understand why he is getting away with contempt of court and more than once. What can I do?
  • can my grandmother take my phone if she doesn't pay for it.
  • We have 2 homes 3 mortgages all mortgages were with Bank (Proper name removed). Our residential home is on trial modification. Bank sold the loan in July with our investment property to a loan servicing company (Proper name removed) before I could finish with it's modification, I want to modify our HELOC loan that Bank holds on the investment property also. If I can't modify these 2 loans the house may go into foreclosure. My question: If Loan Servicer suggests fore closer whats going to happen with our HELOC loan with Bank.? Loan is around $101,000 HELOC at 83,000 and house is worth about 145,000.We really don't know whats best for us




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program