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  • I was wondering if my ex was allowed to ask me to pay child support from the day our child was born even though we were together until he was 4? Because my credit is reporting that I have not been paying my child support and it automatically comes out of my paycheck every time. I called the courts and they are saying it is because of back child support even though I have never missed a payment, now they are taking my taxes, so the money I am supposed to get back for my son with my current wife is going to pay my "back child support" What can I do??
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  • About 10 years ago I had an affair that ended with the birth of a child. This relation ended (my wife is aware of all this) and since then I have been paying child support. Recently the woman with whom I had the affair married and asked me to sign a legal paper whereby I agree to allow the child to change her last name and assume that of her husband. Does this imply her husband adopted the child?
  • A friend wants to pay to build a large shop/garage behind my house, for us to work on cars. By doing this, can he, in anyway, have legal property rights to owning my land?
  • What forms are needed to for Emergency Temporary Guardianship of a Minor in Pinal County for our grandchild?
  • My parental rights were severed to my son who was born in 2003, members of my family have visitation rights. Is there anyway I can request to visit? And how old does he need to be to have contact with me?
  • I work at home and currently have Joint 50/50 decision-making and parenting time. If I continue to exercise my first right of refusal while the other party is working would that be helpful when going back to court post-decree to help get more time with the children?

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  • I was hurt by a coworker on sep 29 2012 boss begged me not to file as he put it I was just bruised 3 people heard and saw that comment and that a false claim would rase his rates . the pain got so bad I used my own ins and within months had multiple surgerys 8 within the year of acc he never claimed me knowing I was having all these surgerys due to his coworkers fault I feel my mental and phys played a role in this as 4 months before we had a house fire no ins that left us homeless raising 3 kids that are not mine with no gov help also dealing with mental issues seein the docs for that to help
  • My husband and I gave Temp Guardianship and then Guardianship after 2 years to his mother. The years were from 2000-2004 that she had our children. Since June 2004 the children have lived with me. That was Almost 10 years ago. Almost 5 years ago she passed away. At least 7 of the 10 years she has not complied with the court yearly. I want to know since my childrens father and I consented to the guardianship in the first place. Once his mom passed,would the children fall back to us? If not I need to know what papers I should file to say I'm back and I have the children? thanks so much
  • Is it legal for a mobile home park owner to charge rent on a mobile they don't own?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program