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  • I have two grandkids whom iraised cps is saying that i can't raise my grandkids cause of my criminal background which is over 10 yr ex
  • I am a 23 year old mother of two living with my parents currently. Im in school. I have debts that I need paid off. And I simply cannot do it. I recieve government assistance as far as food and cash for the children go. Can you suggest some places that will help me file bankruptcy seeing how low income I am. I need help!!! Please and thank you.
  • I filed a small claims complaint against a former roommate of mine when after I decided to leave he only gave me some of my personal belongings back and kept other items that he knew were important to me. I won the case and received a judgment for the amount that I requested. However, in the complaint two of the items I did not place a dollar amount next to because I knew he was still in possession of them (two portraits drawn by my brother that are very dear to me) and I wanted them returned. He had indicated in his Answer that he was in fact in possession of those items but wanted to be reimbursed for framing them. The hearing officer indicated we would need to take up the matter in a different forum due to the fact that they were personal property that I wanted to have returned. After the judgment was ordered I prepared a letter to the defendant and requested that he return the portraits to me and deduct the cost of framing from the judgment and I would then give him a satisfaction of judgment and we would be finished with this matter. About two weeks later I received a check for the amount of the judgment and a letter stating that he no longer was in possession of the artwork (he did not state what in fact became of my portraits). I decided to have the artwork appraised as I had photographs of the artwork as well as other drawings my brother had done. I then prepared a demand letter, again in an effort to resolve the matter without going to court. He did not respond in the time in which I had requested - (20) days. My question is do I have the right to file a Complaint for Conversion of Personal Property requesting to be compensated for damages (the price for the artwork as well as punitive damages and costs incurred)? And, if so, can I still file in small claims court as long as the amount I am seeking does not exceed $2,500 exclusive of court costs?
  • My boyfriend and I filled out an application to an apartment complex but never received keys or signed the lease and now they want to charge us $2400 for changing our minds about the apt and not moving in. Is this legal?
  • Am I legally required to return an engagement ring after the wedding has been called off?
  • My wife passed and she had a Capital one account with $2381.00 in a account. I have tried to transfer monies to my account and also hired a attorney to draft a letter to release funds and they refuse to send they said I need to go through probate. I paid off her car and sold home but this account is still open and Capital one will not release money.
  • Is it legal for a landlord to put into our lease a statement that says "If for any reason during the duration of this lease agreement the relationship between Lessor and Lessee is soured, Landlord reserves the right to serve a 30 day written notice to vacate." Isn't this unconscionable? And shouldn't any ability to break a contract be fair to both parties?
  • My daughter will be 5 in August of this year. There is no father on her burth certificate, and the biological father has never been in contact. I married when she was a year old and her step father has been her father. I want to change her name to her step fathers name. He is thr only father she has ever known ad rhey love each other dearly.
  • What are the customary consequences for either parent for not taking court ordered parenting classes? If there is no clairification of consequences on the court order, how would one go about finding out (if it's really based on a case by case situation)?
  • Can one ask for a court-appointed attorney when charged with DUI, and how would one do that, if so?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program