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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • My father is dying of cancer. My parents bought a new car 2 years ago. The car is in my father's name. When my father dies, my mother won't be able to afford the car payments and the car is worth less than the balance owed. They live strictly on Social security. There won't be any inheritance or such. Is my mother responsible for the debt of the car after my dad dies even though the car isn't in her name?
  • So I'm pregnant by a guy who's going through a divorce he's a mean horrible person wish I would have never met him but I'm due in 5 weeks can he serve me papers to keep me from leaving the state while I'm still pregnant
  • I have a 10 yr old son. His father's name isn't on birth certificate. He has not helped at all. I started to take him for child support but that fell through. I really don't want him involved in his life. He shows no concerns of my son's welfare. My question is can I change my son's last name (his father's)to mine without going through the courts in establishing him being his father? We were never married. His last contact with him was over 4 yrs ago. There is nothing that's been done through the courts. I also want my fiance to be able to adopt him (they want that too)
  • I work at home and currently have Joint 50/50 decision-making and parenting time. If I continue to exercise my first right of refusal while the other party is working would that be helpful when going back to court post-decree to help get more time with the children?

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  • my mom lives with her boyfriend in a house he own through his tust she recently died & boyfriend went to jail now the the boyfriends brother is saying the trust is selling the house & I had less than a week to get my mom & my stuff out shouldn't I have 30 days to get her stuff out or what can I do he threw away the stuff I left in the driveway before I was able to get it which was very sentimental to me I don't feel it's right I don't know how to go about this please help
  • Where can you go for legal help and/or an Attorney when the other party has "poisoned" the Legal Aid pool and you can't afford an Attorney?
  • My ex-girlfirend attacked me with a crow bar and split open the back of my head and when I called the police they were trying to make it seem like I was the one who had done something wrong can I go to the police station on my own and file a report there? Also I wanted to know if I am able to go and make a report on my own will she be charged with anything?
  • I have owned a mobile home (and leased a space)in a 55+ park for 12 yrs. New owner has converted the park into a noisy " RV " park , allowing noisy off-road vehicles to screech up and down the streets where the residents live. The noise is unnerving, invasive and violates any concept of 'quiet enjoyment ' .The owners refuse to do anything about it. Residents have invested much for their mobile homes in this park . Can the landlord be compelled to cease allowing noisy off-road vehicular traffic in the park to ensure peace and quiet for the residents??
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  • After enduring years of abuse broken neck, stabbing, multiple other injuries my husband inflicted on my body now paralysi . He's called Chandler police filed false reports I'm always charged w/no evidence he broke my neck son called 911 i was put in jail when I didn't do anything. past 2 years Chandler PD & Marok charged me w/29 false allegations He cleared out all my accounts. So self rep family ct.Hiding behind false haress. inj.HE MADE $5MILL$ IN STOCKS 201 keep me away financial info. ***JUST NOTIFIED I'VE BEEN INDICTED FOR ARSON DANGEROUS FELONY IN FEDERAL. t COURT ON FRIDAY APRIL 22ND




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program